26 SEPTEMBER 1931, Page 17


• We have received from the Society of Friends particulars of their China Relief Fund. We are pitying ourselves just now, but even at such an inopportune moment the horrors of the sufferings of millions of Chinese who have escaped from being drowned in the floods only to meet with expdSure, starvation and disease, make an appeal which cannot be disregarded. Gifts may be 'sent to Mr. W. F. Nicholson, Friends' House, Euston Road, N.W. 1. Less vast but very pressing and touching us more nearly are the needs of British Honduras for which the Lord Mayor appeals from the Mansion House ; the Bishop of Honduras also appeals from Quebec House, Sutton, Surrey.

In the letter from Mr. Gabriel Wells in the last issue of the Spectator, the word at the end should read " redintegration" and not " redi.sintegration," as the need of England.