26 SEPTEMBER 1947, Page 16


Sta,—The prettiest use of the word " few " I ever heard was in the early days of Welwyn Garden City, when as Clerk of the Parish Council I was inspecting the two-year-old,burial ground. I looked abqut, thinking of such administrative matters as the numbering and care of graves and placing of memorial stones. The names were all of people

I had known, and I was moved as I had never been in a large cemetery. My part-time caretaker-gravedigger, misinterpreting my meditations among the tombs, said with a collaborator's pride: " Yes, sir ; we're getting a nice few here now, sir, aren't we ? " Was that meiosis ?—Yours, &c., 16, Guessens Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hens. F. J. OSBORN.