26 SEPTEMBER 1987, Page 22

Gough splutter'

Sir: There has come to light, and merits the severest condemnation of the international community, a new and flagrant example of the obscene hypocrisy of Thatcher's Bri- tain which, on the one hand, exploits the blood and sweat of black people to swell the capitalist profits of the Tories' City of London paymasters and, on the other hand, pays unctuous lip service to sanc- tions against the brutal racist regime in South Africa.

How many Guardian, let alone Specta- tor, readers know of Gough Island, named after a 17th-century British sea-captain? It lies about 1,600 miles from Cape Town and is a haven for seabirds and seals. The island is under British sovereignty. Yet, horribile dictu, responsibility for its administration has been placed by Thatcher in the blood- stained hands of Botha's Department of Environment Affairs.

So, not only is Gough Island denied the right of self-determination under the UN Charter but it writhes under the yoke of Boer fascism with Thatcher's willing com- plicity. Clearly, Gough Island must be placed high on the agenda of the forthcom- ing Commonwealth Conference in Van- couver at which no mere Commonwealth issue or alleged absence of human rights in any Commonwealth country must be allowed to take priority over the unique enormities of apartheid. Meanwhile, let Mr Ramphal pay a fact-finding visit to the oppressed inhabitants of Gough Island.

Let not Thatcher or her crony Botha imagine that this is a question which will be allowed to go away.

John Biggs-Davison

House of Commons, London SWI