27 APRIL 1861, Page 3

We have news from India to the 24th March ;

but it is of little importance. The famine does. not appear to be spreading, and the budget will, it is said, show an estimated deficit for 1$61-62 of only 1,000,0001. The returns from the income tax this year will be up- wards of 2,000,0001., the collection, exclusive of Madras and Bombay, having reached 1,460,0001. The opium revenue is now estimated at 8,000,0001., and the total cost of the famine at only 500,0001. The Government of India has despatched a special commissioner to the disturbed districts of Bengal, to examine into the complaint of the Europeans, that the ryots are in combination to resist payment of rent. The commissioner will be accompanied by a body of troops.