27 APRIL 1867, Page 1


rilliROUGHOUT the week the one topic has been the 1 probability of war, and the most important fact, the alleged intervention of Great Britain. We are not in Lord Stanley's confidence, but the gossips of all the capitals for once agree in asserting that he has given an opinion in favour of the French right to buy Luxemburg, and has supported Napoleon's alternative proposition—that Luxemburg shall be neutralized, and the fortress evacuated by its Prussian -garrison. It is even stated that England, Russia, and Austria have presented an "identical note" to this effect, to which an answer is expected to-day. We find it difficult to believe that Baron von Beust is animated with so Christian a sentiment towards his enemies, or to forget that Reuter's telegrams are apt to be favourable to France, but that is the latest account flashed over the wires. The German papers say no stich proposal will be accepted, and the 'whole drift of intelligence received during the week is towards speedy war. Prussia will not retreat, and Napoleon, with Lord Stanley patting him on the back, cannot.