27 APRIL 1872, Page 1

M. Thiers has evidently received and accepted a hint of

some kind from Berlin. On Monday, on the re-assembling of the Assembly, he told the members that the Government could dis- cuss the Army Bill much more usefully at the sittings of the Commission than in the Tribune, but if a public discussion were demanded it would be more politic to hold it three weeks hence. Another account says he pleaded " political " and not " politic " reasons, but in either case it seems dicer that he has experienced a check which, among other results, has induced him to consider once more the expediency of hastening payment of the indemnity. AA

he has accepted his first warning, the cue of the German semi- official papers is to affirm that no pressure whatever has been put upon the Government of France, with which Prince Bismarck is upon the best of terms.