27 APRIL 1901, Page 1

Last in the flood of rumours from Shanghai is one


which some attention should be paid. It is to the effect that the Government of Japan, which watches events in China from an entirely separate point of view, has always been in relations with the party of reform, and is now inclined to protect them openly, and demand the exclusion of the Manchu dynasty. The veil is as thick round Tokio as round Sian, but it is almost certain that if Japan resolves to fight Russia, she will take this line. Her states- - men will peremptorily need help from China, they believe the Manchus will not give it, and they may contemplate their overthrow by the aid of some internal party.

which is the theory, the Reformers are as strong as the Taepings were, Japan could furnish them with officers and artillery from Formosa, and at least gain contrOl of the South and Centre with their vast resources. If the Chinese are like anybody else, they must be disgusted alike with the foreigner and their own dynasty, and may welcome aid from the only Mongolian State which could give it. It is all misty as yet; but that the present muddle will be followed, when the intruders retire, by some great internal movement hardly needs argument. The Reformers who are ready to rise seem to Europeans the most likely agents in that move- ment; but there may be some Manchu Prince of capacity who will cut his way to the throne.