27 APRIL 1956, Page 34

Local History

LiKE Its predecessor, Medkeval Lincoln, J. W. F. Hill's Tudor and Stuart Lincoln (C.U.P., 32s.• 6d,), is an admirable example of local history written in a non-provincial way. Dr. Hill's narrative, though disarmingly unpre- tentious, is thorough and comprehensive. The town of Lincoln is firmly set in the environ- ment of what Henry VIII called 'one of the most brute and beastly' shires of the whole realm. We see how the sixteenth-century town looked to local gentlemen for protection; how the Elizabethan government needed Puritan support in the town against local Papists; but how in the seventeenth century, with a different government policy, the solid block of rich and intermarried Puritan gentry helped Lincoln to get Puritans as lecturers and supported the Bishop of Lincoln against Laud. So the line-up of the two sides in the Civil War was fore- shadowed long before 1640. The book is pleasantly illustrated, and has maps and a