27 APRIL 1956, Page 38


ACROSS 11 Stirred ale would make the bird pink

4 1)1:e is apparently short in the old cinema (8),

9 'To-day the Roman and his trouble are ashes under -' (Housman) (6). 10 Workaday stuff with a' royal look (8). 12 'As a squash is before 'tis a -' (Shakespeare) (8). 13 The Continental's very prone to comply thus (6).

15 It's a bit too much, says Alphonse (4).

16 Sheets on the line keep the gardener busy (7-3). 19 They're bristling with maxims (10). 20 Exploit unchanged by reverse (4). 23 Country cousins of the essayist (6).

25 Would a call of one spade be this? (5, 3) 27 It seems to have flung down the velvet gauntlet (4, 4).

28 Literary private who adds nothing to his spirit (6). 29 Twenty-three's crown should properly have been of this (8).

30 'Their lean and songs' (Milton) (6).


I Head of the tea-cake department? (7)

2 Does one dust this or prune it? (5, 4) 3 Her husband was Posthumus (6).

5 It gets a hand in 27 (4).

6 Angered a swine in a hurry (8).

7 Stage in ecclesiastical equipment (5).

8 'And fare you well for evermore, 0

ladder at the - door' (Stevenson (7).

11 Where the game's the thing (7).

14 Make a fuss over the band (7).

17 To wear this is, it seems, to appear ostentatious (9).

18 Pleasures wrongly slighted (8).

19 From the left 1 part company (7).

21 Venn, the reddleman (7).

22 He tunnelled his way to fame (6). 24 This royal throne of kings (5). 26 No encore in the concert (4).

Two prizes will he awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on May 8 alai addressed: Crossword No. 885, 99 Gower St., London, WCI Chambers', Twentierl &nue), Diettonary, New Version, is reconnnended for Crosswords.