27 APRIL 1974, Page 4


Sir: Your atavistic hatred of the European Economic Community verges on the pathological.

Britain has developed in a privileged position at the head of the greatest empire the world has ever known. That empire has now gone. Apart from coal and the prospect of oil, Britain has little but her wits to live on, in an increasingly crowded and competitive world.

In relation to Europe she has the choice between competition and cooperation. She cannot hope to succeed in the former. The dying falls of nationalism and imperialism today are being superseded by the call to world co-operation in solving world problems.

The European Community, in evolving new forms of international co-operation, can contribute more to the effectiveness of world programmes and institutions than would be possible on the basis of separate nation states, as hitherto.

Britain, as a member of the EEC, can more effectively ensure her own future and exert a world influence, than by following a policy of splendid isolation. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." It would be tragic if at this stage of our history we were to lose our common sense.

Gordon Evans

7 Gerard Road, London SW1