27 APRIL 1996, Page 26

Dumb ox's revenge

Sir: The Reverend Andrew Linzey is right to criticise Thomas Aquinas for establishing the Catholic tradition of callousness towards animals CA Christian shield for animals', 6 April). In earlier centuries many saints were remembered for their love of animals, St Francis being the last in this tradition.

Why did Aquinas go out of his way to reject the claims of God's creatures? Was it because he was himself ridiculed as 'the dumb ox'? It is extraordinary that Aquinas should have had such a doctrinal hold over Catholics. If anyone was a heretic, it was he. His influence on Christianity was pagan, consisting of a reinterpretation of Aristotle. It is surely time for the Church to reject Aquinas in the name of universal love.

Richard Ryder

Chairman, RSPCA PR & Campaigns Committee, Hay House, Haytor, Devon