27 AUGUST 1836, Page 9

The Batik of England's accour t of its average weekly

liabilities and assets from 31st May to 23d August is as follows- The Batik of England's accour t of its average weekly liabilities and assets from 31st May to 23d August is as follows-



Circulation... ...... £18,061,000 Securities £29,045,000







The Gazette of last night con ains the following important re- turn— " Return, stating what has been, dur ng seven years ending on the Thursday next before Christmas-day 1835, the average price of an imperial bushel of British Wheat, Barley, and Oats, computed from the weekly averages of the corn returns. Published pursuant to an act passed in the 6th and 7th year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled An Act for the Oats. 7s. iAd. mutation of

Tithes in England and Wales.' Wheat. Barley. 3s. 111/1.

WILLIAsi JACOB, Controller of Corn Returns. Board of Trade, Corn Department, Aug. 24."

The general average of wheat for the present week is 48s. 10th per quarter ; but is. lid. a bushel is 56s. 10d. ; and that price is to be the basis of the Tithe-commutation. We suspect that the present gain to the titheowners will be fully as large as the landowners contemplated.