27 AUGUST 1842, Page 11


Arrived—At Gravesend, Aug. 24th, Lord Hougerford, Pigott. from Bengal; 26th, Duke of Argyle, Webb. from Ditto. At Liverpool, 21st. Cheshire, Henrickeon, from Bengal; 22d, Lancaster, Jefferson, from Bombay. At St. Helena, June 26th. Colches- ter, Withers, from Bombay. 28th, Palinurus, Henderson; and Coaxer, Itidley, from Bengal; Robert Scourfield. Moffatt, from Moulmein; 29th, Westminster. Michie; Lady Beek, Watkins; and 30th, Majestic. Brodie, from Singapore. Al the Cape. pre. ViOUB to June 18th, Lady Fitzberbert. Jackson ; Anna Robertson, Hamiltou ; Surrey. Naylor; and Tobago. Ramsay. from London ; Zenobia, Sutherland. from Liverpool; Thomas Arbuthnott, Brown; Morayshire, Lamotte ; Fortitude, Arbuthuott; and IUnry Hoyle. Griffith,, from Bengal.

Sailed—From Gravesend, Aug. 19th. John Mitchell, Cable, for Bombay ; 20th. True Briton. Consitt; and Vernon. Gimblett, for Madras. From Liverpool 19th, England's Queen, Moss. for China; and 21st, Java, Pickering, for Bengal. From the Clyde, 20th, India, Taylor, for Bengal.