27 AUGUST 1910, Page 27

RLADABLE NOVB1.8.—The Glen. By Mary Stuart Boyd. (Mills and Boon.

6s.)—This is a story of a most unsophisticated and ingenuous Highland maiden. The descriptions of scenery are well done.—When _Love Knocks. By Gilbert Stanhope. (Same pub'iebers. 6s.)—A modern novel in which a powerful influ- ence is exerted by the heroine's dead mother, who had been a celebrated singer.—Veiled Hearts. By Rachel Willard. (Leisure Hear Library. 6d.)—A missionary story of the labours of a lady doctor in Egypt. The description of the village suffering from cholera is graphic in the extreme.—Verity Lads. By Eeighley Snowden. (T. Werner Laurie. 6s.)—The reflections of a Yorkshire boy, chiefly told in letters to an uncle.—The Matrimonial Country. By F. C. Philips. (F. V. White and Co. 6s.)-1 series of modern sketches, some of which are pleasant and some very much the reverse.