27 AUGUST 1943, Page 12


SLR,—Mr. Mammatt does well to mention Mr. Pickwick's " genial mine- host from behind the bar," one thing which the Modern capitalist brewery has virtually extinguished. In so per cent, of town public-houses "mine host " of blessed memory is now personified by a paid hireling, tied to onerous conditions of strict profit-making in a sickening assembly of spittoons, mouldy sawdust and dingy and decrepit furnishings. In the country inn, on the other hand, one can still find " mine host," the " club " atmosphere, the cleanliness, friendliness and even daintiness in presen- tation of food, drink and recreation which should be, and profit apart, could be available also in the towns.

The Carlisle system is a great forward step. The next should be the compulsory closure of all town " pubs " that do not come up to a reasonable " country inn " standard. But possibly Government revenues are too deeply involved to permit a return to decency! As a confirmed " anti-teetotaller " I do suggest that private ownership of breweries and the tied-house system are doing a great disservice to this country, alike from aesthetic, cultural, moral and tourist aspects.—Yours faithfully, EDWARD HINCHLIFFE. Applegarth House, Ottringham, Hull (Yorks).