27 AUGUST 1954, Page 10

THE HELBATRAWSS aht er Charley Bordilairs parleyvoo Qvite horfen, fer

a larf, coves on a ship Ketches a uge seaburd, a helbatrawss. A hidle type as mucks in on the trip By follerin the wessel on its course.

Theyve ardly got im on the deck afore Cackanded, proper chokker—never mind Es a ighflier—cor, e makes em roar Voddlin abaht, is vings trailin beind.

Alof, yus, e was smashin. but es grim Like this—e aint arf hugly nah es dahned I Vun perisher blows voodbine smoke at im, Anuvver tikes im orf by oppin rahnd 1 A longaired blokes the sime: sad in the clands E larfs at harrers, soups is cupper tea— But dahn to earf in those ere jeerin crands, Them uge great vings gums up is plates, yer see.

mucks In on, elects to join; cackanded, clumsy; proper chokker, real/ depressed; never mind, in spite of the fact that; roar, sc. with laughter' smashin, of attractive appearance; grim, ill-favoured; perisher, rascal, despicable fellow; tikes' im orf, imitates him in a mocking fashio01 longaired, artistic, creative; soups is cupper tea, he is most at home foul weather; gums up, renders of no effect; plates (sc. of meat), feet.:.: