27 DECEMBER 1834, Page 5

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Some interest has been excited in Leeds by the recent failure of the house of Joshua Vallans and Sons ; who have been in difficulties, and whose senior partner, Joshua Vallans, has made off to the Continent, having taken every precaution to cheat his creditors, and possess him.. self of a considerable sum of money. Active police-officers are gone in search of him.

Nine hundred and fifty chests of tea have been imported from the United States in the packet ship England, which arrived at Liverpool on 1Vednesday.—Liverpool Courier.

The fish-curers of St. Ives are busily employed in preparing the pilchards taken during the late season for the Italian markets. It is expected that about 1,200 hogsheads of fish will be got ready for ship- ment every week, until the whole are on board.

An unusually large seizure was made last week off Lyme, of a large and beautiful French cutter, containing six Frenchmen and two Englishmen. A boat was taken afloat, containing 138 kegs of brandy. An order has arrived to liberate the foreigners, as they were more than three miles from the shore. The vessel and Englishmen are detained. The chase was a long one. The French vessel was taken owing to there being a light air ; as otherwise she would have beaten any revenue cutter on the coast, except the Swallow.—Devonporf Independent.

On Saturday, the son of Mr. Joshua Bates, of Portland Place, went out with his young companions to meet one of the family who was to join the party from Cambridge. They had gone out with guns. In getting over a gate, a rifle, which had been slung over the back of one of the party, went off ; and the ball took so fatal a direction, that Master Bates, who was behind his companions, fell, and instantly expired. The wound was in the neck.

A fire broke out on Saturday evening in the attic of No. 22, Bruns- wick Terrace, Brighton, which mansion is at present occupied by the family of the Recorder of London. It was occasioned by one of the children setting fire to the bed curtains. By prompt assistance the fire was got under without much damage being done.—Brighton Guardian. The extensive premises of Messrs. Foster and Stewart, the builders, Liverptml, were destroyed by tire on Saturday night. As is usually the case at Liverpool, the fire-engines were badly supplied with water.

An alarming fire broke out on Tuesday night in Mr. Marsden's bazaar, Colchester ; which destroyed the whole of the bazaar, the large wine-cellars at the back belonging to Mr. Sallows, Mr. Scott's obser- vatory, with all his valuable astronomical instruments, as well as injured several other houses. The loss of property consumed is estimated to he between 10,000/. and 15,0001.