27 DECEMBER 1879, Page 2

The Conservatives are going to contest the London University at

the next election, and for that purpose have put forward Mr. Arthur Charles, Q.C., the eminent counsel so well known in the Ecclesiastical Courts. They could not have chosen a better candi- date, but they will not succeed. The University of London con- tains some very Conservative elements. A considerable proportion of the medical men are Conservative. There is a Conservative Catholic section (who, however, will not be very enthusiastic for Mr. Arthur Charles), and there are other strong Con- servatives in the University. But the great mass of the Arts and Laws and Science graduates are hearty Liberals; and even of the Doctors, many, who would like an eminent Con- servative better than they like Mr. Lowe, will not vote against a statesman of his standing, only to open a career for an able young lawyer of more orthodox views. All conventional Con- servatism shrinks from new,men, and much of the Conservatism, of the University of London is purely conventional.