27 DECEMBER 1890, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—In your interesting notice of " The Riverside Natura- list," I think you have made a mistake in attributing the charming story of the coot's adventurous voyage to William• Howitt instead of to his talented wife, whose delightful• writings for children are not, I fear, much known to the present generation.—I am, Sir, &c., S. Wrnsolf. Belmont, Tunbridge Wells, December 22nd.

[This correction is right. The reviewer had not his long- cherished copy of " Sketches of Natural History " at hand: while writing the review. The poems of William and Mary Howitt—especially the animal, bird, and flower pieces—are an inheritance of which the children of all the generations ought to be kept in possession and enjoyment.—En. Spectator.]