27 DECEMBER 1924, Page 10


[To the Editor of the SPEC .TOR.] Sin,--Some little time ago you very kindly gave the hospi- tality of your columns to a letter about a proposed scheme for a residential Club or Hostel for women and girls who are at work in offices, schools, shops, &c., but who badly need comfortable places at prices within their means, to which they can return when their day's labour is over. There are already many Clubs and Hostels, but there are not nearly enough. The waiting lists are lengthy, and those who want to get in have to wait a very long time before they can be received.

My former letter to you produced some kindly promises of co-operation in the event of the scheme materializing, and sonic money has been sent in anticipation. I am venturing to ask you to publish another letter in order that those who have so far helped may see just how we stand, and also because there may perhaps be others sufficiently interested to lend a hand. Our present position is this : We propose to form a Limited Liability Company with fully-paid shares of £1 each, and we can already rely upon shares to the extent of at least £1,500 being subscribed.

Sir George Fowler, who is giving us his valuable advice and practical help, has not only promised to procure for us a mortgage of 22,000, at the low rate of five per cent. per annum, on the house we have in view, but has also agreed to act as our Honorary Legal Adviser. We should then have £3,500 in hand, and we calculate that if shares to the extent of another £800 are taken up the Scheme will be capable of accomplishment.

We do not pretend that the investment is one which will

provide large dividends ; the point is that it may possibly make a few people happier and more comfortable. After all, this is an object not unworthy of achievement, and we feel that as we have already made some progress it would be a pity to abandon the enterprise when ultimate success seems to be within reach. We have been advised by men of business experience, and by women who have managed hostels success- fully, that we ought to pay interest on the shares up to 5 per cent., and that our proposals are perfectly feasible. Communica- tions should be sent to Miss T. F. Grant, 17 Harrington Court, Glendower Place, S.W. 7.-1 am, Sir, &c., F. F. MONTRESOR.