27 DECEMBER 1924, Page 2

Just before the Italian Parliament rose last Saturday Signor Mussolini

astonished the *Chamber by *announcing his intention of introducing a Bill to modify the Electoral Law of December, 1923. He said that he would have the Bill ready by January 3rd, when Parliament will meet again. Although he offered no explanation of the Bill, it has already become' known' that it. will- provide for a return to the one-member constituency system which was in force up -to 1919. -The -Rome correspondent of the Times says that perhaps the only group to suffer by the change; though they -will- be .hit very hard, will -be the Fascist extremists. No doubt the introduction of the Bill implies an early General Election. The Impero, the organ .of the Fascist extremists,- has declared that Fascism can- -not accept such humiliation. 'It admits that a General Election under the conditions foreshadowed will end in " a gigantic victory for the Opposition." •As for the moderate Fascists, though they are not pleased at what they regard-as the surrender of El Duce to his difficulties, they certainly will not try to obstruct the Bill. Signori Salandra, Orlando,and Giolitti are, of course, delighted.

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