27 DECEMBER 1935, Page 1

An Abyssinian Success Meagre as the news of the Ethiopian

campaign has been, it is still more remarkable.for its lack of unexpectedness. Nothing could have been more surely anticipated by the Italian high command than the thrust by Dedjazmatch Ayala across the Takazze towards Aksum which, by Abyssinian report, has cost the Italians 350 killed and has penetrated to a depth of 30 miles by the caravan track. As long as the province of Amhara is unsubdued and the forces of Rases Kassa, Seyum and 'Imeru are virtually intact and only vaguely located, Marshal Badoglio must remain in constant expectation of such attacks upon his right flank. Apart from the depth of the penetration the post remarkable feature of this effort is the comparative importance of the more highly developed instruments of ,war, and especially of the air arm, once the opposing forces have come to grips in broken and wooded ground. If the Abyssinians have really captured the ten tanks that they claim, their success has been a notable one, although the action was probably little more than a raid, and they are not likely to make any very determined effort to hold the ground they have gained in the face of serious counter- attack. Its recapture will no doubt provide material for an encouraging Italian bulletin.