27 DECEMBER 1946, Page 16


SIR,—I was surprised at the lack of logic in your note at the foot of " Spanish Exile's" letter in your issue of December 13th. There is surely no comparison between Franco Spain and Italy as candidates for admission to U.N.O. CThough Italy fought against the Allies, she has since given as much practical proof of a " change of heart" as is possible, and is generally admitted to have fulfilled the Churchillian condition of "working her passage" into U.N.O., whereas Spain is still Franco Spain. One cannot blame the anti-Franco Spaniards for not having the opportunity, afforded by defeat, which the anti-Mussolini Italians have taken ; but admission of Franco Spain to U.N.O. will not help their aspirations.—Your faithfully, G. W. MABBOTT. Charterhouse, Godalming.