27 DECEMBER 1975, Page 4


Sir: I hope that Dr Rhodes Boyson will read ivirr Edward Heath's weekend comment on higbei education: "Our system of education, in particular 08 higher education, still reflects the priorities of ti century ago. Although the sun has set on the 1311tisd Empire, we still seem to be producing a strewn -0 administrators to govern the colonies which ;...ne longer exist." The courses to which the fee-paY"'" University of Buckingham has given priority —dare economics, or law, economics and politics — precisely of the kind described by Mr Heath. The last thing this country needs are more lawyers till a".,

, more administrators. If the graduates of

University do go off to Brussels, as Dr Rhode; Boyson hopes, the French administrators, training is based upon close relation with industi,' will make rings round them. I realise that financing courses in science engineering may be too expensive for the Privaen purse to sustain, but surely priority might have be given to mathematical studies, at least? gel* However, anyone who mutters "academic e0 lence" (excellence in or for what?) and charges fees.„n a condition of admission has your tame antiquarl' educationist flat on his face, R. M. Ic'wes