27 FEBRUARY 1847, Page 6

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mum Queen and Prince Albert, with the members of the Royal nursery, sweat to Claremont on Saturday, and returned to Buckingham Palace on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, her Majesty held the second levee of the season, at St. James's Palace. It was very numerously attended.

The Queen and Prince Albert went to Her Majesty's Theatre on Thurs- day; the performance being for the benefit of the distressed Scotch and Irish.

The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, the Princess Mary, and Prince Frederick of Hesse, inspected the Model Prison on Monday; and on Thurs- day the Duke visited the Queen, at Buckingham Palace.

The Dutchess of -Kent went to Cashiobury on Monday, to visit the -Queen Dowager; and on Wednesday visited the Dutchess of Gloucester.