27 FEBRUARY 1858, Page 10



The upward movement in English Secdrities, which had been going on uninterruptedly for many 'Weeks, received a severe. checic in the late lifinis- terial defeat ; a fall of pearls g per cent from the highest point reached having been established. On Monday- Console. opened at 94 961, but whim- quently fell to 96 sellers, the market presenting for the time amost gloomy appearance. There has Knee been a strongtendeney to recovery, and yesWr- day Consols were morbid 974, Money.continues extrenielyeasy, and the ex- pectation of a further reduction in the Bank miniinumrsie was pretty gene- ralup to the rising of the Court of Directors yesterday.. Na alteration, how- ever, was decided upon, and the market became slightly depressed ;. followed today by increased heavinets, the closing quotation'being 96k 97. Numerous small amounts of money Stack have been pressed upon the market. - Bank Stock closes at 224 226 ; Exchequer Bills, 33 37; Reduced, 9:1197f ; New Three per Cents, 971 97f. There has been a great increase 111 the amount

of businees.transacted.. _

In the Foreign Market,. the fluctuations this week have been somewhat considerable, but upon the -whole Stocks have not maintained the high prices. they commanded last week: On Monday, things were. tery.flat Turkish Slit per Cents were as low, as 100 sellers; they have sincereoVered, and are now quoted at • 101/ .102 for the 16th. March: Other :Steak are rather heavy at their quotations. Money has been in good supply, at a slight advance in the rate, now ruling at fttni 4 to percent: - Mexican leaves-off at 201 201 Ferenrieni Foundand-a-ludrper Cents, 82 83 ;Peruvian Three per Cents, 50 57 ;- Beim:ass' Ayres, 8082; Venezuela. Attlites 33 35; Turkish Six per Cents, 1011 102 ;1Dkto Four ilia' Cents, 101 1041 Brazil-

ian, 102 104. •

The variations in the 'Railway Share • .Market have been. to some extent. In tha early part of the week- ricer drooped, but afterwards recovered ; Shares being acted upon entirely by the rise and fall of greet,dinor:speMilative business hi!direen..nasaing, but price, dose today muchraboufthe same as. t.ser of last *week. Midland, 991 9%4 ' Great Western, di 0;4, Londaii and...Nertis-Westerat 991. 99k; London and South-W,estern, 611—all ex day The .- deseription of Shares. have

advanced about 10.4. Caledonian', 81 48k-; SouthrEiMeni, 22 21, ex ;

Brighten, 108 109 ;,--OfeatNorthisru Shares, 26 '261, ex div.

• A considerable fl has taken Place in French Shares, attributable ebielly to political uneirsipeser Faeili and Lyons, 331 381 ; Northern of France, 371 38; Paris and Strasbourg, 271 271. Indian Shares are very flat, owieg to uncertaintyssragarda the new Government Proceeding. with the India

Bill, East Inditer,:l.10.111;.Ma4ina 201. Shares, 21 211. , • , • • NATANRDAY), TIVELli&

The Bank return of the stack of bullion for this week shows an increase of-292,1204. Thetmarketaare all stationary. this morning; there isssearecly a-shade of alteration:in:either Stocks or Shares. Consols 96k. 97, : and fez the April Amend 974.-974. • • • • • :


Consols hare'been berm at 97 3-10; the market closes rather flatter—, 974• sellers-, but thenet inotsbeeweetiy few-legitimate transactions. English Railway Sharesiite'dull and heavy, at a decline since the opening of 10s, per share. The followint,' arethe latest operations—Eastern Counties, 611 ; Eclinbingh and Gliisiny, 6611 Great Nerthern'1041; Great Weiterre' 601 ; Lancashire anff Yfirl&hire,631 ; London and North-Western, 99/ i•.London anti South-Western; Matieheater, Sheffield; and Lincohnihire 401; Midland, 90.; North-- End.* 53; North-Eastern—York,_ ,• &I-- SougEsst- eni 741 ; Grand 'Prank cif Canada, Issue 52/; -Greer Western of Cariedit Shares, 24)/:..- Joint Stock Betnkii—English, Scotiialr, 'and Aus- tralian Chartered; 48 ;••• London and Weitininster, 44; Oriental Bank Corporation, 361 -Union-Or Australia, 471 ;- Miscelianeous--Eleetne Tele- graph; 11)4; London- Gelfenit2Oninihnee Company, II: ; Ditto for Account ' 97 Ditto 4 per Cents 106 1 • 9 per Cent B.ediered' 971 -a. Atei.k.at Wper gents. .. 204 New 3 per Cents 544' 4. Peruvian-44 pes-Cents 82 84 Long Annuitiea 21-16 Ditto 3 per Gent • 55 57 Bank Stock 225 227 Portuguese 3.per Cents 1853. 4A4 4,4 Eacheeaer raw,. ...... . 36 40 ussoui 5, per C.ents. . . .. 110 112 'India Stock 22 ' p '100 'Austrian ft perCenti 9993 Spiutish 3-perCentS '44 5 Brazilian 5 per rents. 102 104 Ditto Deferred 2626k Belgian 44 pacceilts 98 100 Sardinian 5 peri Cents... ... Ch' ian per Cents 105 104, Swedish 4-per Cents SO 83 Danish 5 per Coots 1 Turkish. 0 per nts.... . . — 1014 24 Danish-3 per Ceot1 83 85 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 104 5 The SouthEasteni Railway CoMpitny held their ineeting on Thurialay. Nothing !tar, reMM‘ble' -occurred, "The-Chairman- eiplathed that 'a por- tion-of the tleoeft.e Sf reteipts amid from exceptional &Mena; -but that de- crease had been almost Dammed by reduption of. expenditure. The Di- rectorsare sincerely desirous of bringing to A close the Reading competition.

At the meeting of the General Stearn Navigation Company, on Tuesday, dinvidead at tile ride.of 10 per cent per annum was declared, with a belies of 2.s. 6cl. per share. , The profits of the Bank of Egypt air the half-year ending December were 11,21214 A. dividend of 7 per cent is recommended ; leaving 50001. to be carried to the reserve-fund, 2000/. to be written off preliminary expenses, and 18191. to be carried-forward.

The liquidaters.of the- Liverpool Borough--Batik have given notice that they are prepared to pay 50,0001. of the promissory notes of the bank due on the 27th Aprftrunder discount at the into Of 3f per cent -per annum.

The favenrable newel &op China made the tea andeilk markets very quiet and flat. The exports of both articles from China of late had been larger than was expected: The last, mail • frons. China brought an unwonted remittance from that bullion-abearbing country-90,000l. in specie.