27 FEBRUARY 1858, Page 20

PRICES cuitngyr. BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Soloed_ ifosiday Tweed.* fr.an.a.

3 per Cent Centel* .......... Ditto for Account a per Courts Reduced • New 3 per Cents I.ong Annuities Annuities 1943 Hank Stock, 11 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent ExcherDter Sills, ald, per diem

Ezehequer Bonds 1859

India Bonita, 4 per Cent

864 261

16 pa, 32 par.

9;1 •

2 _ •

Mrs. Fri•lay.

971 941

974 It

Ei "i

974 21 2 - 227 2264 224 221

34 • 57 a

— 1002

29 I — 29


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Austrian Belgian 4 - Ditto 2 - Brazilian a - Buenos Ayres Chillers Dauish Ditto 6 - 6 - 5

3 - Data (Ex. 13 (luilders) .24 -

Ditto 4 - French 3 - 84 ' gat 1004 5 . Ct. - French el p. Ct. 94 Mexican 3 - Peruvian 44 -

103 Portuguese 1623. S - iiiI Russian 6 - It 6 Sardinian 5 - Spanish, '... 3 - Ditto Ntor Deferred 3 -

Mitt° native Turkish .


94f. 50e, 251 834 463 • 1111 91


, (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Chester and Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow and South-Western Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire - Lancaster and Carlisle

Louden, Brighter. e3 South Coast

Loudon and Blackwell London and North- Western ..

London and South-Western

Headwater, shelfieldolt Lincoln

Midland Midland GreatWestern (Ire(and) North British • North-Easteen-Berwick.

North-Eastern-York Oxford, Wor.& Wolvernampt011 Scottish Central Scottish Nlidiand South-Eastern and Dover Eastern of France East Indian Geslung and Melbourne Grand Truuls'of Canada Great Indian Peninsular ..... Great Western of Canada „..

Paris and Lyons Moses-

Australian Brazilian Imperial Ditto St. John del Rey Cobre Copper Rhymney Iron •

141 961 38 62 ex d



len ex

104 602 ex d 91071 d.

108 63

"198401 d. 834 ex d.

53 56;es d. 8 i3e3x4 it.

110 89

731271 1.


621 211 201 331

13 411 South Alutra .Ato•tranisian British North American

City , , .....

Colonial Commercial of London

Ennioseoesh.er auetrafian Odd

London ' London and County I.ondon CIwtrI. Bak. oraustralui 1.0ndon Joint Stock London and Westminster National !Mug National Provincial

Nen- South-Wider


Provincial of Ireland

&Kali 'Australis'

tinlon of Australia

„tinion-of tendon

Gritty ' 'Western Bank of London Does.-

'Feet and West India


St. Katherine Victoria


Australian Agricultural British Ainerican Land Canada Crystal Palace Electoli Telegraph GeneratSteam National Disconut

Lundtut alseount

Peinnstillar and Oriental Steam.

Royal Mall Steam - HAWK OP ENGLAND. • -

An Account, pursuant to the 7th and8th Victoria, cap. 0., for the week endleg --

on Wednesday the 24th day of Feb. 1858. .- ISIVIS DtrinTMENT.

Other Securities :IA 59,906

Gold Coln and Bullion 16,819,910 Silver Bullien -

7-7•71-"" Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities (intim- ,

£ 239,715,284 39,715,281

• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

Mexican Dollars 0 0 0•

Foreign Goldin Bars, Standard 43 17 9 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 0 0

BULLION. Per oz.

Iron, Web* Mars..,.. If 5 0 . 7 15 Leaddkritish Plg 55 0 0 .. 5 5 4 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 22 0 u 22 10 0 Copper, Brit, Cakes 2126 0 0 .. 0 0 0

14EmAk Per ton.

GRAIN, Mark Lane, Feb. 21.

Wheat 448. 6,5. 'Eye 315.

Oats 22 10 Peas 40

Barley 35 IL Beaus 58 For the Week ending Feb. 20. WEEELY AVERAGE. 34. Wheat .. . 474. 04. I'7 32a 90. 2 -Barley.... .. 4 8 i Beans la I 2 Oats 22 ii. 1 Peas 40 4•

1.,SIX,WEEIKS AVERAGE. , Fer Qr. (imperial) of England and Wales.


'Norfolk and Stockton • 31 -32 Town -made per seek 43s. to 480.

Secouds 36 39'- Essex mad Suffolk, on board ship 35 - 35 Americas .. . .. ..per barrel 21 - 26

Canadian • 22 - 26 FLOUR. PROVISIONS.

Basun, .1x*h .. ... .per cut. 538.

Cheese, Cheshire, fine 7

Rams, 74 ,York - Carlenv,.51. 10s. t6 l. Os. per eags.,,I Derby, pale Ct


Neu curs ano LIADJINEELL.'

Carrsa celser.•

a cf. a d a d.

s. d. s. d. s. 4.

Reef- 3 o to 3 6 to 3 10 ....

3 6 to 4 to 4 6 Mutton 2 - 3 10 - 4 4 .... .3

4 4 - 6 6 - 6 -4 real... 8 8 - 4 0'-.4 ....

4 0 - 4 - lo Pork .. 3 0 - 3 8 4 4 .... - 3 10 - Lamb. 0 0-0 0 - 0 .... 0 - 0 0 - 0 41 • To the 8 sink aid, per lb.

Hass or Gareth ..ar Tea 5larzia.-siasser.!, Monday: Friday.


Sheep-16,666 .....


Calves.. 107 179 HOPS. Weeld of Kent Pockets 56s. to 70, Mid and East Kent ditto 70 - 120

SUbSeX ditto 53 - 62

Farnham ditto 0 - 0 Do WCKla,

Wn T ess 153.1.to 171,1. Half-bred Wethers 14 LeicesterTteeces 14 - /

Combing Skins n 1 - I.

Hay, Good Inferior


630. to 138s 65, to 75 elem.*, r_to rt HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of. tRigrueses)

50 - 60 54 - 63

Scarramina. WairECTIACIII. COX),..1.,.D 0 - 0 0 - 0 • 6 - 0


80 ...- 95 68 100 90 Clover i.. -33 27 24 28 30 - Si Wheat Straw OROCIIIIES,

Tea, Souchong, limp, pqr lb. 2s. oa. to 2a1est

Congou, • I 10 2 6 Pckoe, flowery 3 0 - 4 6 In bond-Duty Is 9d. per lb.

Coffee, fine (in bond) cwt CAD. Od. tO Ws. 05. Good Ordinary 52s. Od. to 54.. 05. Cocoa, Trinidad (In bond) 70.0.5. to *Os. Oa. Rice, Ame. dr-Corollas 2115. Od. to 21. Oi. Sugar, Muscovado' average.. ,27s,1211. ,


West. India Molas4s 15s. 5,5( to Oc


POTATOES Kent and Essex Regents. .ton.120s. t41140s.

Shamus 0 - 0

York Begents.m..- u • s - 160 -155 Scotch „ 140 7-130 Jamaica Rum.... parent. 4s. 10d. to S. 95. Bra11aiBest ta" s.: .11- 13 Cotton,1.Oin.pe7IS 0 4 - 0 1 Sidtpetre, Ref; ...per ewt. 40 6 - SI Guano, Peruvistnner ton .2410 0 - 0 Tallow P. Y. C...per vim. 54 6 - 0 Town 55 0 - 0 Rape Oil, English refined 41 0 -• 43


Linseed Oil .-

29 -- 0

emPals70111141 -.911 40 - 43 39 - 40 LInseedOilzrake, per ton .200 - 0 Coals, HOWE 1.7 - 0 Tea" 17 - 0