27 FEBRUARY 1858, Page 8


-. The week has, of course, been prolific of gossip arising out of the Ministerial crisis. It has been stated that Lord Derby, on accepting the task ef forming a Government, first applied to Mr. Gladstone, That gentleman is said to have consulted Mr. .Sidney Herbert and Sir Janata -Graham before he decided. Finding them -disinclined to form pareasf a Derby Ministry, Mr. Gladstone also refused. Lord Derby's next appli- 'potion is understood to have been made to Earl Grey ; but here again he met with a refusal. Some believe that Lord Derby was at this time dis- -posed to throw up the task he, had undertaken. It was reported that eves Lord Stanley and Sir John .Pakington were averse from taking office. However this may he, it is evident that Lord Derby did go on, and that Lord Stanley and Sir John Pakington have not declined to join him. One on dit was that Lord Stanley was reserved for the•Governor- Generalship of India, should Lord Canning resign. Among the early lists af Ministers handed about, Sir Edward, Lytton's name appeared as Secretary for the Colonies : from the later lists the name of the novelist was struck out,, andit was stated that he did not take office be,eause he Weald not ran the risk of a reelection, and his party could not risk the loss of such a "powerful" debater. -It will be Seen that Lord Derby was driven back upon his Own party, -and chiefly Caen those who worked with him in 1852. The neva names in the Cabinet are those of General Peel, Lord Stanley, and Lord Ellen- borough. Among the members of the Administration not in the Cabinet there are seveatir new names; among whom may be mentioned those of Mr. /Wesley, Mr. Cairns, Lord Hardbage, Mr. Sotheron, Esteourt, and Mr, Hardy.

The Jiircalang Post has distinguished itself as the stanch supporter of Lord Palmerston, even since his fall, which it has not yet perceived. The same journal is the organ kr an authentic statement respecting the ad- mixable manner in which Sir Edward Lytton would have conducted himself as a Minister= '" We have much to regret the refusal of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton to .accept office at the present moment. His celebrity in every branch of lite- -rature, and his oratorical powers, would have proved an accession of strength -to" any Cabinet. We believe the course pursued by Sir Edward Lyttoa to have been dictated by motives most creditable to himself. Apprehending a contest in his county, Connected with a misunderstanding respecting Sir Henryatenx at the last 'election, fie refrained from exposing Lord Derby's flovertirient to a risk which might have maimed' a political character. We cannot but admire the feelings of honour which' have actuated the aceem- -plisliedlltedaber'for Ilerfs ; and, ;while deploring the absence of his talents from the supreme councils of the kingdom, we presume' that in2the -event of

new Gbvernnaent remaining in oflkethat absence will prove lartasf tthert duration."

The Queen's levee announced to be hold at St. James's Palace on Wednesday the 10th of March is countermanded. Her Majesty will hold a levee on Wednesday the 17th, and another levee on Wednesday the 24th March. . Mr. Hayter, the well-known andtioralar " Whijiper4ri,"'has " se- e,epted a baronetcy, which Lord 'Pahnerston expeeeed hi i desire to re-

eammeittilier, Majesty to bedew on him" sEght token from the late IfiCia ‘tegaal.party of the invaluable servicei*defeetb'theiz(by Mr. Globe, in ' teiliiiitthalt' Other hquours.in ,prespect ;for its taitelaahlkalle alrfetitl# a reivard"We 8itiik of :. ;8 At'eliallitlat

start bestowed which deeicnot deprive the Liberal party Of the assistante of the retiring Secretary of tie Titaabii.”

According to the same journal,. 'Labe _Duke of Devonshire, the Duke nA:WePtittath aaalAhe 4ar.1,4, ligrgmbartLiFAUNive the Var'',Ci'ltrt., The late Minialere.have ,appoin.ted. Bildt:stone; Of the Mid- land .0irtui to the vatent Indian Judgeship.

The steam fleet In resef.ve at Porisiffiiiith is getting-re* for equip- Aleut et the shortse4?ao$Icei coRposing it, especey' the lira- ofehattle ;dries are, and the stair Q the steam reserve are indefatigably_ erallloYatl in g4tIV the ships' neCPne.nY into reliable working order. The Duke of, rellington, Maar, Victor fliniantieb and Algiers, are the most forward, and are expected to be the neat largeaships commissioned. The gun-boats at liaelar Ma also under course of overhaul.

A competitive examination has just taken place for the election of thirty youths for admission to _thit_lieyal- Military Acadenifrit 'Virtual- It wieh. The first omthe-Iliet, ate*. 4a8 marks, is ;William Emerson y9,k, edacatecl et,iiiiars'r allege cliool. The second, Mr. Ardagb, -was edueoted at floie.t Utwei44,4 id:din—that University prodirOilno fewer than nine Of the successful air' dates. Oxford and Cambridge are not represented. . Marischid ,Callege,. 'Aberdeen, sent forth two SM. eessful candidates - Cheltenham College, two ; Queen's College, Cork, one'; nindwire'ealMistiedPrivatelat. The inaia Relief -Fitha Counuitteelaree imilAislieci'an intereSting staa- plena The amount of-the subscriptions has been 342,929a 188. ad.. ; all, With the exception of_ plant 20,0001.-4.raised in, thernitod Kingdom. Of this largo .. sum, .804-1../. '12s. 1-1//: as been exiiended'iii England, end 9a as:. is. 2sl. has been :lent. to India. The balance has been invesaal

• • • . . in government Securities.

The publication of the Board of Trade returns for 'January has followed cloae on that of the December fables. Io,Jamaary 1858, as compared with January Igoi, there Was tilaffing-off Cef,8t6;505/. in the value of expcate Manchester goods, woollens, and sillis, show the greatest re- duction, but in most articles there was a diminution. In imported com- modities, there Waladiretion in seine items, in increrae in others. In raw Materials, coftiiii showed a slight increase ; but the imports Of flax, hemp, silk, v,00l, tallow, R cre all less.

The Emperor of Ruesia, was present at a peaty given by I.ord aVodelieuse Sta_retereburg to 'celebrate the marriage of the Princess Royal : an act at'

condescension which is thought to imply a good deal. .

The Princess Frederick William of Prussia has been enable, from a severe -cold, to attend some o the entertainnients provided to celebrate her arrival at her new home.

:The King of Prussia when out driving 'snakes' repeated kalls at the Ilospi- tal Bethanien, where Von Niebuhr, his private secretary, lies ill, with small hope of recovery.

\ Prince Alfred will be initiated in man-of-war life on board the Euajarlus, Captain John Taiieton, a 51-gun screw-steam frigate, which is tin* pre- paring at Plymouth for the cruise. •

We wish now to disabuse the 'public of an erroneous impression which prevails on the subject of the retiring allowance, of a Lord Chancellor- The general belief is that only three ex-Chancellors can at the same time be in -the receipt of the pension of 50001-a year. The Act of the ad and &I of William IV, cap. 111, enacts no limitation as to the number of theee pen- sions. It simply provides, that in consideration of the abolition of certain otbees,.. "the patronage and gift of which- belonged of right to the Lord High Chancelker," it should be lawful for his Majesty to grant, to any per- son holding the office of Lord High Chancellor or .Keeper of the Gaeat Seal, upon his retirement from the same, a pension for the term of his natural life not exceeding, 50001. per annum. Therefore, by the recent appointment of Sir Frederick Th.n*er, Lord Cranworth, equally with Lord 1.4 adhunt, Lord Brougham, and Lord St. Leoraaras, will he entitled to receive the amount of pension already specified.—Norning Post.

Thanks to Sir Fenwick Williams, and the ready acquiescence of the Doke of Cambridge, the soldiers at Woolwich are no longer to be restricted to the „diet of "bailed beef" a:large stove, invented byrCaptaireCanuit ILA.; has been erected and is at work there which will supply three meals a day to a thaasand soldiers, baked, fried, siewedow boiled.

- The/Hanoverian crown jewels recently obtained from England are un- dergoing cleansing and repair, preparatory, it is supposed, to their exhibi- tion to the Hanoretiants.

The library of the late Lord Alvanley has been sold by Marais. Sotheby inia Wilkinson, and produced 21981: ' Some of the iota told for more thin they cost.

A young white-tailed sea eagle has been shot by the head keeper of the Duke of /Norfolk, at Arlargeli rat er iaitI eaortemen had failed in hitting the bird. The unwonted aisitoi-thad-fed Priaelpally on rabbits, the mu- tilated remains of many having been found.

In the spring, the camp of Chalons is to be occupied by donhie the mart- ber of troops that encamped there last year-5Q,000.

The-chateau of St. Germaia is to be repaired andrestered to the state mfl which it was during the residence there of our James II. A military mu- seum is to be established.

The New Fork Tribune complains of the increase in the Army of the States: it now numbers l7,9841 in 1842 it was about 8000; it is proposed t° add, some &)00: "at this rate We shall soon have a standing army of 50,500

Men." ' Four companies of Marines and half a battery of field-howitzers have left Brest to strengthen the rrench force in China.

but will not exercise it until the insurrection is crushed. Consuls to the

It is said that the FrenclitleYeiniii*st will not appoint

Russian ports in the Black Sea ''no prevision has been made for themin the hudget.

France has recently obtained the Tight to appoint a Consul. k" llotahah IhelItaedttatekhriiieareed:te pay Deiniiinit,ist,bil dolbul!i fee eituii RIP unit buoy- duties in the Sound..') .'r if • 91.1 • ,, Tiatle" 1,4, I

• Thfui/savalli!I éa1ltwsf Pitathead4liskige liduisldast?of arrodectmenty41.1kVii94sitethe.finvidandifiiherg 200,0001. and employing 1500 men.

0 kap farni,temez..usi pstate,s reeentli ran: ou the same tenants have renewnt hein!lt ranicing from 200 to 300 per c

above the former rates.

HI' 9111,.- . new 'illustration of the eos` t 'lineas'Of juit1k4iil1 be given en in the little bill Whichhtlie itaintryi win have 'to pay:for the 'Foie:lotion. Of the. British Bank Directors—it is expected to eiceed 20,0001 ',The fee on Sir- Frederick Thesiger'abrief is reported to have beeu 1000 guineas, with refreshers of a litilikred guineas' - • ' • - • -' - The Welsh Mines which cost the British Bank in various ways a sum approaching 100,0001., have'been sold by the-aasignees for 60001. ; and they think themselves fortunate to have got red of them even-on these terms.

The returns of the Registrar-General show that the rate 'of mortality in London has again'apnroached the average. The deaths last- week, 1275, exceeded those of the preceding week by 80, and were oilly'liVe fewer than the corrected average. "The mortality of bronchitis is greater than usual at this time."