27 FEBRUARY 1858, Page 9

NAVAL - PROMOTIONS Of 'CHINA. The Admiralty, in a Gazette p ublished last

night, annOunces that, in consider- ation of the serVices mentioned in the despatches from Canton, the following pr6- motion,: hav,etsiken place. To be- Orptediiis—Conunanders R. Dew, W. Si. Dowell, J. L. C. Hamilton, A.W.

A:Jlood, C. Xellowes. , . , .

To be Commanders—Lieutenants C. T. Come, C. S. Forbes, H. A. Reilly, F. 11, Stnith„the Hon. W. J. Ward, J. G. Geadenough, C. A. Campbell, the Right lion. Richard J., Viscount Gilfard, If. H. Beamish. To be .efefingLieitt4eietillvi-,-(To be conermed, on passing at the Royal NavalCol- lete) -.Messieurs A.'0.1.1ny, C. J. Carey, , A..G...R.110e, F. 5.31. Webber; E.-W. liereford, C. H. Murphy, II. S. Baggy, J. E. Stolies,.the lion. F. G. Crofton, U. C.

To be lfasters—Mcssieurs F. Kirkham, H. Bond, E. G. L. Street, C. F. Puckett.