27 FEBRUARY 1886, Page 23

Camar de Bello Gallic°. Edited by J. H. and W.

F. Allen, and J. B. Greenough ; revised by H. P. Judson. (Green and Co., Boston, 17.S.A.)—This is a most useful book. Nothing could be more complete than the apparatus of notes, whether the interpretation of the text or the general understanding of the history is considered. The ex- planations, furnished as they are with illustrative drawings of the various machines and engineering constructions which Caesar de- scribes, are especially valuable. A vocabulary is appended, in which the syllables are marked with quantities, and this after a reasonable method, though we do not see why the final "o" of verbs is marked as common. With the exception of some few words, such as " put'o," in Csesar's time it was always long.