27 FEBRUARY 1909, Page 22

The Muse Called liwrrish. By "Rita." (Hutchinson and Co. 8s) — This

is a story of a morphinomanioe, whose companion, Judith Sarsefield, is the heroine of the novel. "Rita" has

chosen to write the book in throe forms, the first narrative, the second the diary of the heroine, and the third the diary Of the hero. This, though it appears to be a popular method With writers of melodramatic fiction, and gives a certain amount of vividness to the writing, is a method of presentment which necessarily interferes with the credibility of the story. Charactere in books generally write so much more in their diaries than they Could possibly have found out or seen for themselves. An atmosphere of romance is spread over the events of the novel by its taking place in the old house in Ireland which gives it its name. The book is fluently written, and carries the reader on from page to page.