27 FEBRUARY 1932, Page 17


[To. the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have received from Mr. Gandhi a letter with reference to my book, Ruskin's'Guild of St. George, which was reviewed lately in your columns. I cannot afford to send Mr. Gandhi Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, for which he asks me, but I thought that perhaps one of your readers might like to send the volumes to him. The following is an extract from his letter, written from the Central Prison, Poona : "The leisure I have in this prison enabled me to read the book (Ruskin's Guild of St. George). Having been nitwit influenced myself by Ruskin's Unto this Last, I read your Recount of the Guild with deep interest. I write this moment to ask if you could kindly send me a collection of Ruskin's writings in Fora Cravtgenz " Mr. Gandhi probably does not know that Ruskin's writings in Fors Clavigera are contained in eight volumes.—I am, Sir, &c.,