27 FEBRUARY 1932, Page 32


Allowing for the trade depression, most of the London Stores have done quite well for the past year, and, in the case of John Barker and Co., the directors are able to Maintain the usual 20 per cent. dividend, the profits only showing a reduction of £4,000. This 20 per cent. dividend has now been paid for twelve consecutive years. After providing for the dividend a sum of £100,000 is placed to rebuilding and modernization reserve, £50,000 to the general reserve, £10,0011 to employees' pension and benevolent fund, while £10,000 is written off plant and machinery and 125,000 off fixtures. fittings and furniture. From the rebuilding reserve £150,000 is now to be applied to write down the book value of the properties involved in the rebuilding now in progress; The balance of undivided profit remaining to be carried forward is 1301,053, against k800,954 brought in.

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