27 FEBRUARY 1971, Page 7

Permissibly dropped brick

Brand-new ambassadors ought always to be allowed to drop at least one brick, and their Wives (particularly if they, the wives, are Pleasant and attractive and prepared to have

a go) two or three. It is easy to see that Lady Cromer, wife of our brand-new man in Washington, was only trying to be nice and helpful when she reportedly said to some journalists at an informal meeting in the Em- bassy, of Vietnam: It's a long and terrible war, but saving face means so much more to the Asians than life. Life means nothing, but nothing, to them. I love America and I would hate to see her lose face anywhere in the world.' One can just about see what she was trying to say, in her very feminine sort of way, that people really shouldn't be nasty to the Americans simply because of all those Asians they were having to kill and anyway the Asians don't mind being killed and anyhow it's all the fault of the Asians for wanting to save face and anyhow the Americans are far nicer but far nicer really and of course the fox enjoys being hunted and what paper did yo d say you were from and how nice and you'll have another gin and tonic?