27 JANUARY 1838, Page 10


At a general meeting of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures, on Wednesday week, Mr. Cadell stated in reference to a memorial of the Chatnber presented to the Lords of the Treasury, and petitions to Parliament, in favour of Mr. Hill's plan of Post-office reform, that it appeared to be the intention of Government to give a partial trial to the plan, in the London twopenny and threepenny posts, by making all twopence, and allowing parties either to make use of the stamp-covers or not, as they pleased. This seemed to him not only not to be a trial of Mr. Hill's plan, but quite the reverse ; be- muse while the postage was above a penny, and the use of the stamp- stovers optional, it would be impossible to form any conception of the advantage of the new method. He therefore submitted the propriety of petitioning Parliament against any trial which did not fairly carry out the principles maintained by Mr. Hill. This motion was carried unanimously.