27 JANUARY 1844, Page 19


Tuesday, jou. 23.


H. L. and A. Swale, Doctors' Commons. proctors-W. and. J. Shaw, Huddersfield, cloth- manufacturers-Veruon and Co. Tewkesbury, rectifiers-Ellsou and Brother. Marston, rock-salt.proprieturs-Stincax and Co. Birmingham, brasefounders-Robin- son and Russum, Leeds, tailors-Curry and Mamma. Dukinfield, Cheshire, steam. engine makers-Lomas and Son. Manchester, corn-dealers-Hester and Blundell, Abingdon, surgeons-Batt and Rumley, Newport, Isle of Wight, merchants-Thomp- son and Co. Blackhill, Durham, ironfounders-Barber and Co. Fenchurch Street, brokers; as far as regards T. W. Cobb-Deane and Borne, Dorking, ironmongers- Hyde and Puttock, Dorking, Umbel...merchants -Fowke and Greensmith, .Rugeley, chemists-Heath and Sou, Bishop's Stortfordsportermerchauts-Sellmau and Crump- ton, Shrewsbury. tinmen-Haworth and Co. Flaxmoss, Lancashire. flanuel-manufae- birers-Foster and Stewart. Liverpool, architects-Saunders and Keywood, Brighton, plumbers-Hare and Co. Wood Street, warehousemen-J. and D. B. Sorley. Liver- pool, brokers-B. and T. Buckley, Openshaw, bleachers-Holt and Co. Cranley, Surrey, farmers-B. and J. W. Rust, Cromer, grocers-Denuiatou and , Co. Greenock, merchants-H- and J. Ridge, Bury, coru-dealers.


Parsonage, Liverpool, butcher-Stott, Rochdale, druggist-Coltsou. Birchiu Lane, wine merchant-Lewis, Barford, Norfolk, tailor-Williams, Pontypool, innkeeper- Fuller, Tenbury, attorney- Perry, Wolverhampton, retailer of beer --Kirrage,Norwach, asphalte.mareacturer - Darbey, Porcbester Road. Bayswater, tailor - Downing, Birstal, leather dealer--Crosby. Redcar. Yorkshire, mercer-Turner, Halifax, plasterer Capes. Reedoess, Yorkshire, attorney-Cornish, Sheffield, excavator -Penfold, York Row, Kennington, attorney's clerk-'Thompson, Harwich, chemist-Wilkinson, Leeds. saddler-Middlemas, Tynemouth, joiner-Jones, Liverpool, furniture-broker-Smith, Wigan, provision-dealer- Darcy. Charlotte Mews, Bloomsbury, cowkeeper-Sabine. Great Yarmouth, phnician-Mortlock, Essex Street, Strand, tailor-Fisher, Minerva Street, Hackney &aid, varnish-manufacturer- Bartlett, Southampton, cabinetanaker- Sharp, Huddersfield, cloth finisher-Cox, Broadley Terrace, Blantlford Square, clerk -Harper, Putney, attorney-Norris, St. Alban s, butcher-Hughes, Tottenham, milliner-Warburton, Lymn, Cheshire, saddler-Goode, Polygon, Somer's.tovro, attorney.


FRANCE, J., Manchester, cotton-manufacturer.


CLEEVE. HENRY, Rettendon, Essex, cowkeeper, to surrender Jan. 31, March 6: solicitors, Messrs. Rickards and Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Mr. Clifton. Rumford; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. COURTENAY, FRANCIS Bosoms, Great Marlborough Street, bookseller, Feb. 1, March 5 : solicitors, Messrs. Rutter and Trotter, Ely Place ; official assiguee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

Emmiss, WILLIAM, Bromplon, builder, Feb. 6, March 5: solicitors, Mr. Ward, Essex Street, Strand; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry.

JACKSON,ICHARLES SMITH, Leeds, clothmerchant, Feb. 3. 24 : solicitors. Messrs. Sad- low aud Co. ChancerYLano; Messrs. Lee, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Fescue, Leeds. Means, RICHARD, Chigwell, blacksmith. Feb.6, March 5: solicitor, Mr. Buchanan, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

Parra, Turmas, Liverpool. plumber, Feb. 6. March 5: solicitors, Reed and Shaw. Friday Street ; Mr. Robinson, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Commove, Liverpool.

ROBINSON, JAMES, Arnold, Nottinghamshire, wharfiuger, Jan. 29, Feb.24 : solicitors, Cann, Nottingham ; Smith, Birmingham • official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham. Strew, FREDERICK, London Wall, builder, Feb. 1, March 5: solicitors. Messrs. Wadesou and Co. Austiofriars; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers. WILLIAMSON, CALEB, Regent Street, hosier, Jan. 30, March 12: -solicitor, Mr. God- dard, Wood Street; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.


Feb, 22, Wright, Blackmon Street, cheesemonger-Feb..L5, Lewin. Northampton, leather seller - Feb. 22, Alford, Harrow Road, victualler-Feb. 13, Howard. Attle- bridge, Norfolk, maltater-Feb. 15. Stetter, Turk Street, Oxford Skeet. hoot-maker- Feb. 15, Corah, Bristol, hosier-Feb. 15, Holt juuior, Crane Court. Fleet Street. printer -Feb. 15, Nettleton, George Street, Hanover Square, tailor-Feb. 15, Smith, _St. Alban's, miller-Feb. 15. Crane. Harrow, draper-Feb. 15, Richmond, .Lime Street, merchant-Feb. 15, Bishop and Hildyard, Southampton, drapers-Feb-IL Ball, St. George's Plate, Hyde Park Corner, tailor-Feb. 16. Allen. Penzance, baker- Feb, 14, Blake, Norwich, mohair-manufacturer-Feb. 14, Hayward and Moore, Paternoster Row, booksellers-Feb. 10, Ratcliffe, Sheffield, fender-manufacturer-Feb. 15, Hayes, Taunton, innkeeper-Feb. 15, Smith, Gloucester, mouey-scrivener.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on Me day exuding. Feb. 16, Filbey, Norwich, wine-merchant-Feb.. 13, Posey. Ablugn, baker-.Feb. 15, Mills, Hart Street, Mark Lane, merchant-Feb. 15, Coluaght, Cockspur Street, priutseller-Feb. 13, Crussell, Croydon, glass dealer-Feb. .13, Mall, St. George,' Place, Hyde Park Corner, tailor-Feb. 13, Ord, Waterloo Place, coal.factor-Feb..I5, Bluuden, Alton. plumber-Feb.14, Buudey, Upper York Place, Portland Town, builder -Feb-13, Barker, Argyle Street, tailor-Feb. 15. Havelock. South Shields, carver-47mb. 19, Warner and Co. Liverpool, distillers-Feb. 13, Suffield, Birmingham, druggist- .Feb. 17, Shaw, Stafford, saddler-Feb. 14, Ashworth, Manchester, .innkeeper. To be granted. =less cause be shown to the contrary, on or beAre Feb. 13. Wbitingtou, Great St. Helen's. merchant-Kennedy, gew Bond Street, stationer - Sutton, Scarborough, mariner- Cowherd. Keudal,


Cater, Hertford, brewer; div. of 2d. Jan. 24. orauv subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Fol- lett, Basinghall Street - Lawrence, Crown Court, Old Broad Street, merchant ; di v. of Is. Jan. 24, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street-Brooke. Liver- pool, victualler ; first div. of ls. 10d. Jan. 20. or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Bird. Liverpool-Binyou, Bell's Buildings. Salisbury Square, agent; first div. of Is. 51d. any Saturday; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury-Sargent. Battle, linendraper ; final div. of ls. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldermaubury- Buntpstead, Halesworth. Suffolk, grocer ; first dm. of 6s. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldermaubury-Cotman, Norwich, draper ; first div. of 6s. auy Saturday; Mr. Green, Aldermanbuty -Hopper. Moor Street, St. Anne, victualler; first and final div. of 20s. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury- Hitch, Kingsland, grocer ; first div. of Is. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldermaubury Thompson. Blackburn. cloth-manufacturer; div. of 8s. Fels 6, or any subsequent Tues- day; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Heathcote, Manchester, victualler ; div. of 14s. Feb. 6, or any subsequeut Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester - Buxton, Manchester, builder ; div. of 8s. Feb.6, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester -Long, Enfield, lime-burner; second div. of ltd. on Jan. 24. or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Dewe, Broad Street, booksellers; first div. of 13s. Jan. 24, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard--Hopper. Great Queen Street, carpet-warehouseman; second div. of Is. led. Jan. 24, and two follow- ing Wedneedays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Ward, Blackfriars Road, draper ; second div. of 2s. 5d. Jan. 24, and two following Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry- Watson, Bayswater, apothecary; second div. of 91d. Jan. 24, and two following Wed- nesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Weigall, Conduit Street. tailor; second div. of 6d. Jan. 24. and three following Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Matthews, Pendleton, victualler ; div. of as. 9d. Feb. 6. or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester - Widnall. Edgeware Road. stationer; first div. of 9s. Ian. 31, or any Wed- nesday within two months; Mr. Penuell, Basinghall Street- Morton, Bishopsgate Street Within, eatinghouse keeper ; div. of 10d. auy Wednesday within two mouths; Mr. Pennell. Basinghall Street-Pearcy, St. John Street, leather seller ; div. of 2s. 2d. any Wednesday within two months ; Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street.


Caswroan. W., Dundee, ironmonger. Jan. 26, Feb. 16. Meacea, T., Dunse, currier, Jan. 29. Feb. 19.

PEARSON, J.. Muirhall by Perth, embanker. Jan. 27, Feb. 17. Sarre, T. C.. Edinburgh. insurance broker. Jan. 29, Feb. 19. Sarre, J., Glasgow, grocer, Jan. 29, Feb. 19.

Friday, Tam 26.


Hopewell and Co. Leadenhall Street, slopsellers-Middleditchaud Taylor, St. Paul's Churchyard, warehousemen-Motley and Tilney. Sharpham Park. Somerset. farmers -Calrow and Brancker, Bury. cotton spinners-Traviss and Horsfall, Darfield, York- shire, colliery-proprietors-G. and J. Hall, Willington. Northumberland, farmers- Blake and Lewis, Essex Street, attornies-Holdsworth and Co. Bradford, 1 orkshirc, stuff-merchants-Green and Co. Hope Mills. Fliutshire, paper-mauufacturers-Raw- lins and May, Oxford Street. liuendrapers-Garnham and Ripsher. Red Lion Square, linendrapers-Lousdale and Ellis. Liverpool. stationers-Butterworth and Co. Man- chester. drysalters-Ritherdon and Lewis, Guildford-T. and J. Smith. Hillingdon. millers-Carpenter and Ward, Shad Thames Steam Mills, Southwark. millers-J. and A. Jamieson, Leeds, commission.ageuts -Jones and Baker. Lichfield. chandlers-E. and G. Tatham, Leeds, flax spinuers -Webster and Son. St. Helen's, Lancashire, wine-merchants-J. and W. Williamson, Liverpool, wine dealers-Cuff and Bacon, GreatlQueen Street, tavern-keepers-Bayne and Co. Mark Lane. merchants-Brownell and Bowden, Stockport, linendrapers-Tune and Bailey, ;Barnsley, brewers-Renshaw and Beck, Gorton, Lancashire. farmers-J. and J. Gently, Staugate, mast- makers- Milthorp and Burnley, Otley, Yorkshire, scribbling.millers- Cree and Son, Glasgow, ship insurance brokers-Gourock Ropework Company, Greenock ; as far as regards A. Baines.


Fell, Halifax, out of business-Kendrick, Redditch, Worcestershire. out of business -Moody, Union Street. Shoreditch. egg-merchant -Johnston, Parker's Row, Berm nd. Bey, pork-butcher-Gee, Sheffield. butcher -Sellers, Bradford. Yorkshire. spindle.

maker-Charles, Perth, Cornwall, master mariner-Scott, Camberwell Grove. baker, - Winter, Oxford Street. tobacconist-Clinton. Maidstone, horse dealer -Pierpoint, Li- verpool. cart-owner-Lister, Halifax, boatman- Day, Clapham Road, out of business May, South Street, Union Street, out of business-Lewis, Toxteth Park, Lancashire, grocer -Franchi, Devonshire Street. Bloomsbury. notary public-Ray, Edgeware, far- mer--Sleigh. Haslentere. Surrey, lieutenant R N.-Keeley. Hertford Street, out of business-Peachey, Keymer, Sussex, butcher-Oliver, Stone, Kent. fruiterer-Small. shaw, Portsea, gunner R.N.- Lotinga. Bishopiveatmouth, surgeon-Furman, Mount- sorrel, butcher-Langworthv, Topsham, lieutenant R.N.-Corkhill. Padstow, Corn- wall, attorney-Ausdell, Birkenhead, attorney-Watkiu, Leicester, baker-Taylor, Manchester, out of business.


EESWILS, MARSHALL, Norwich, wine-merchant, to surrender. Feb 2. March 8: soli- citor, Mr. Shearman, Trinity Place, Charing Cross; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. EVANS, WILLIAM, Borthwen, Merionethshire, miller, Feb. 7, March 7: solicitors, Messrs. Lowe and Co. Southampton Buildings; Mr. Jones, Dolgelly ; Messrs. Curry and Co. Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. Fovezaon.n. Some senior, Selby, apothecary, Feb. 6, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Edwards and Co. Ely Place • Mr. Haigh, Selby; Messrs. Ward and Sou, Leeds; official assig- nee. Mr. Hope, Leeds.

lirrennr. HENRY, Halifax. ironmonger. Feb. 12, March 11 : solicitors, Mr. Slaney. Birmingham ; Messrs. Bloome and Gatliff, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young.Leeds`

idoso.us, GEORGE, Gloucester, currier, Feb. 1, March 14: solicitor, Mr. Lovegrove, Gloucester ; official assginee, Mr. Miller. Bristol. Basra, JOHN. Uxbaidge, coal-merchant, Feb. 2, March 5, solicitor, Mr. Sleep, Tem- ple; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane.

Rusurort, JOHN junior, Nottingham, livery-stablekeeper, Feb.6. March 5: solicitors, Mr. Brewster, Nottingham; Mr. Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

TITLer. RICHARD, Winchester. plumber, Feb. 22, March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Finch and Neale, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingball Street.

ITILSON;JOSErIT. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, liuear-mannfacturer, Feb. 7, March 18: so- licitors, Mr. Plumptre, Temple; Mr. Cram, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


Feb. 16, Oliver and York, Stoney Stratford, bankers-Feb. 16. Kipling and Atkin- son, Wood Street, warehousemen-Feb. 16, Spurer and Miley. St. James's Street. tailors-Feb 16, Hale, Margate, bookseller-Feb. 19, Shaw, Stafford, saddler-Feb. 28, Dorval, Madeley, Shropshire, fiercer.


To be granted. wiles: cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Feb. 16, Gamanf, Fetter Laue, furrier-Feb. 16, Atkinson, Wood Street, warehouse- man-Feb. 16, Harman, Whitefriars, brewer- Feb. 16, Trilby. Norwich, wine-mer- chant-Feb. 22, Pearson, Darlaston. Staffordshire, cut nail-manufacturer-Feb. 21. Ross, Leicester, hosier-Feb. 21, Taylor, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, wool-merchant- Feb. 19. Hudson and Broadbent, Manchester. calico-printers-Feb. 19, Biugham, Batewell, Derbyshire, fruit seller-Feb. 19, W. and J. Slatters, Mellor, Lancashire, cotton-spinners. to be granted, unless CAM be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb.16.

Weldon, Dudley, clothier -Drury, Dudley. victualler - Bate, Dudley, iron-merchant -Cartwright, Heaton Norris. Lancashire, banker-Bussey, Sheffield, grocer-Thurs- ton, Grosvenor Row, corn-merchant-Coleman, St. Allsm's, victualler-Ross, Leices- ter, hosier-Widuall, Edgeware Road. stationer-Pow, Newcastle upou-Tyne, ship- broker - Nutter and Elliston, Cambridge, brewers- Hilton and Walsh, Over Darwen, Lancashire, paper-makers-Morley, Liverpool, fiour-dealer.


Ainsworth, Warrington, cotton-spinner; first div. of las. 2d. on Jan. 30, and every subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Pott, Manchester -Baoth, sht6cld. iron-master; first div. of 6s. 8d. on Jan. 30, and every subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Frame, Leeds-Hoole, Sheffield. leather-dresser; first div. of 5s. any Tuesday after Jau. 30 ; Mr. ',earn°, Leeds-Watson, York, silk-mercer ; further div. of Is, 6d. any day on and after Monday. Jan. 20; Mr-Young, Leeds-Gorden, Liverpool, merchant; first div. 16s. 11d. Jan. 29, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner, Liverpool- Swanu and Kelly. Fleetwood on Wyre, bricklayers; first div. of fis. 2d. on the joint estate, and a div. of 20r. on the separate estate of J. Swann, Jau. 29, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner. Liverpool-Buchanan and Cunuingham, Liverpool. merchants; first div. of 108. on the separate estate of C. B. Buchanan, and a div. of 20s, on the separate estace of W. Cunnicigham, Jan. 21, or any subsequent Monday ; at the office of Mr. Turner, Liverpool- Edwards and Walker, Chester, nurserymen ; die, of 11/d. on the joint es- tates, a div. of Is. on the separate estate of W. Edwards, and a div. of I ltd. on the sepa- rate estate of G. Walker, Jon, 21, or auy subsequent Monday ;1Mr. Turner, Liverpool- Thorniley, Broadbottom, grocer , div. of 2s. 6d. Jan 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Massey, Habergham Eaves, worsted-spinner; div. of Is. Jan 30. or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Clegg and Whltby. Liver- pool. metchauts; third div- of Is. 7d. Jan. 27, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Bird, Liverpool.


Rau, JOHN. Glasgow, clothier, Feb. 1. 22.

BLIRYSIDE, WILLIAM, and Son, Dumfries, cabinetmakers. Jan. 29, Feb. 19. Eotaec, Joust, and &Dr. Edinburgh, merchant:, Jan. 29. Feb.29.

WILLIAM, Eastfield, near Rutherglen. coal-surveyor. Feb. 1, V.