27 JANUARY 1844, Page 9


Astarvxo—At Gravesend, 22d instant, Blenheim. Gray, from Singapore; and Alert, Oliver. from Sydney ; 23d, Fatima, Wilson, from Madras; and John Hullet, Austen, from Mauritius. At Liverpool. 25th instant, Bahamian. Pearson. from China ; Cur- rency. Broderick, and Princess Royal, Hoodless, from Calcutta. At the Cape, previous to the 10th November, Corcyra, Hazlewood; Mary Ann, Jacques; and True Briton, Contain, from London; Union, Alien. from Mauritius; and William. Taylor. from Calcutta. In the Straits of Sunda, 28th September, John o'Gaunt, Robertson, from Liverpool ; and 2d October, Canton. Crouch, from London. &MID —From Gravesend, 20th instant, Earl Durham, Longridge, for Calcutta; and 22,1. Duilius, Underhill, for Bombay. From Liverpool. 22d instant, Alexandria, Chisman. and Lady Flora Hastings, Hoseaaon, for Calcutta; and 23d. Tamerlane,

WItensie, for Calcutta. SATURDAY MORNIKO. Annivan — Off the Wight. 24th instant, Fortfield, Bowman, from Singapore. At Liverpool. 26th, Ellen. Rodgers, from Ditto. At St. Helena, previous to 14th Dec. Slam. Wilmott, from China ; Francis, Whitney, from Sumatra ; Brunette. Cousins; and Antigua Packet, Hunter, from Ceylon ; James, Moran, from Bombay; Adriaua, Dodd; Nautilus, Thomas; and Colon, Allen, from Mauritius. At Anjer, Emperor, Keen, from Liverpool.