27 JANUARY 1877, Page 1

It is stated that the warlike party in Constantinople, which

desired to begin war at once, has been defeated, and that Turkey has recommenced private negotiations. That may be true, and yet Turkey may commence the war. The pressure on the Trea- sury for money, already severe, must speedily be overwhelming, and Midhat cannot resort to a forced loan without declaring war. It is evident, moreover, from all accounts, that the eternal game of intrigue is still going on in Constantinople, and that the Grand Vizier's position is not absolutely secure. The Sultan trusts other advisers more. Midhat's easiest road out of these diffi- culties is to conciliate the violent party by demanding the with- drawal of the Russian army from the frontier, and so precipitating war, and as yet he has never shrunk from any decided course essential to his position. He may wait, but the probability still is that he will act.