Nominations for the Albert Kahn Travelling Fellow- ship for 1923
must be made by the end of February. In the words of the founder, the essential object of the Foundation is " to enable persons "—men or women who must be British subjects and graduates of, or persons who have passed the examination required for a degree in, some University of Great Britain and Ireland—" of proved intellectual attainments to enjoy a year's travel :round the world, free from all pro- fessional pursuits, with a view to an unprejudiced survey of various civilizations, a comparison of other human values with those already known, and the acquisition of a more generous and philosophic outlook on human life." This would be a truly delightful rest for some overworked person, and apparently there is no age limit. Strange to say, according to the Manchester Guardian so little interest appears to be taken in the Travelling Fellowship in Great Britain that Mr. Albert Kahn thinks of abandoning the scheme. Surely this apparent lack of interest must be due to ignorance of Mr. Kahn's munificence and not to a scarcity of would-be candidates.