27 JANUARY 1956, Page 38



3 No danger in such alliances, very 1

striking (6, 7).

9 Briefly, the commanding officer falls from virtue (9).

10 'Bring me my —1 0 clouds, unfold V. (Blake) (5)

11 Rose knows what a pest the French cavalryman can bet (5) 12 Nehemiah's task, possibly. It doesn't look very honest (9).

13 Not quite imposing enough for Iron rations (7).

15 It can be sterile it bent (7).

17 Having a haircut makes the girl very Latish (7).

19 Prohibitionists perhaps they proclaim themselves (7).

21 Torn and twisted vines (9).

23 Material for phrenologists on the river (5).

24 The star is a director, too 15).

25 11 takes more than a pound to get a retreat lor the oppressed (9).

26 She might have difficulty in finding the 23 right union (5, 2, 3, 4). . DOWN Complete metamorphosis on the rail- way (3, 6).

Shakespeare's Welsh parson (5).

Does it provide the Muslim Curtain? (7)

The footballers' magazine (7). Upturned nail under a cast of the fountain (9).

Elm, i.e., emits a fragrance (5). 'Ave Maria! 'Tis the hour of —I' (Byron) (6) Music for the horse coper's activities (5). This mullein provides for its own stake

16, 3).

A hot time for French revolutionaries (9).

Legislator in snow shoes makes short work of it (6).

Postponement of the parachuteJump? Take a little snooze instead! (4, 3) Macaulay pronounced him the first of biographers (7). Was 'Two Lovely Black Eyes' dedi- cated to her? (5) A short volume, thanks, is protected in West Africa (5).

Where to find the landlubbers lying down (5). 3 4


6 7 8 9 14 16 17 18 19 20 22

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a hook token for one guinea. They will he awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on February 'I and addressed: Crossword No. 872, 99 Gower St., London, WC1

Chambers's' Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
