27 JANUARY 1973, Page 28

Cross words

Sir: You will realise my age when I mention that I resumed buying and reading The Spectator last October for the first time since J. Addison, R. Steele and their staff of learned clerks had me in fits of laughter at an earlier date.

I felt I had to get a relief from the new with-it Guardian (which is never the same since C.P.S. put a veto on racing news) and the ' Observertisor ' which I chiefly take for Axed, in spite of its delusion that I am in a Pavlov-dog state to know that Lewisham Lions have beaten Purley Pirates at rugby, while several worthy northern teams are ignored. Which brings me to my grouse. I also devote much time and knitted brow (having only one eye and limited wits these days), to Jac (get about 50 per cent right), and Daedalus (thank you for £3 received recently).

Now you suddenly decline into mini-brilliant type or should I say 1 point, which even with my spectacle and blind eye I can scarcely read.

If this is to continue, I shall have to exchange you for the Listener; which was beginning to daunt me, but as an old setter for them I struggled on with.

However, I hope you see the light and revert to the universally legible style.

A. Oswald Baxter 253 Chester Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire