27 JANUARY 1996, Page 51


A first prize of £25 and a bottle of Graham's Late Bottled Vintage 1989 Port for the first correct solution opened on 12 February, with two runners-up prizes of £15 (or, for UK solvers, the latest edition of The Chambers Dictionary – ring the word `Dictionary'). Entries to: Crossword 1245, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

The unclued 1 ghts (three of two or more words), when correctly arranged, yield two thematic utterances, verifiable in Brewer.

Name Address ACROSS 9 Monkey on unknown peak (4) 11 Actor confused about measure and line of verse (9) 12 English watering-hole turned recess (4) 17 Hardly the homeland of Tyneside associate (5) 20 Dash into shelter quite alone (7, hyphened) 25 See 35 (5) 26 Wrapping stocks and shares (5) 28 Drunkenness of one breaking Sevres (7) 34 Cake illegally obtained around end of April (7) 37 Tinned, apparently, like a Peruvian (5) 38 A prize likewise sent back in the past (5) 39 Old monastic bedroom with sounds of relation (6) 40 Heartless dictator or couturier

42 (4 No)

on on the Riviera (4) DOWN

1 Basket with shackle (6)

2 Tenure of pasture (5) 3 Apparently denying John Irish a mineral (6) 4 It's out there! (5) 5 U2 plan scuppered in early stages? (7) 6 He steals what's in the pot (7, two words) 7 Hero nearly half engulfed in rising waters (6) 8 Gentlemen surely out and about when warm and bright (8) 10 Response to light change in horror picture? (10) 13 Expressions of praise from endless Spanish military district


15 Note everyone employs trouser- braces in Scotland (8) 18 Awfully quaint and out of date? (10) 19 Colt takes a small pill for cyst (8)

22 US inhabitant in dream writhing (7)

23 One's make-up seen in saga, broadcast in parts (8) 27 Turning over to press in work of art (7) 30 Plant beetroot — just three- quarters cooked (6, two words) 32 Gold fragment by a hollow (6) 33 Peer round one block (6) 35 Food such as 25 and 51 (5) 36 Large mouldings on one gateway (5)

Solution to 1242: Pasta poem?

The unclued lights, when correctly ordered (15D, 4, 40, 3, 27, 1, 13, 27, 39, 29), yielded a stanza of MACA- RONIC VERSE, quoted in Brewer.

First prize: Emily Walton, Knuts- ford, Cheshire. Runners-up: Mrs K. Fowler, Manchester; Chris Chatwin, Kenilworth, Warwickshire.