27 JULY 1833, Page 14


Mownssu has taken the place of TAGLIONI in the ballet, which FANNY ELSLER was more competent to fill. The ELSLERS have reason to complain of not having been duly appreciated. TERESA.'S figure, style, and manner, were, neither separately nor together, calculated to fascinate,—but then people like to be astonished,—and her dancing was altogether extraordinary, and admirable also. FANNY, however, was acquiring that ascendancy over the fancy of the audience which a winning manner tends so much to secure; and her style was only less graceful, and was more vigorous than TAGLIONI S ; while she performed some feats of skill which sur- passed her queenly rival. MONTESSU personated La Sonznabule on Thursday night, and we had thus an opportunity of comparing her pantomime with that of PAULINE LEROUX and FANNY ELSLER : the comparison is not favourable to MONTESSU. Her figure, face, and style, are all unfavourable to her success in serious pantomime. In comic parts she is much more effective. Her features are pleasing when drest in smiles ; and her petite figure and lively agile dancing become the merry little villager; while a subtilty of character, which is occasionally perceptible in her manner, renders her fitted to play the rural coquette. She has massive legs, termi- nating, however, in a neatly-turned ancle and a pretty foot; and her plump little form, crowned by her round smiling face, and her active bustling movements—always neatly executed, for she is as light as a cork and bobs up and down like a float—might have neutralized the spleen of BYRON himself, when he wrote "I hate a dumpy woman.' Young ALBERT is greatly improved. His style of dancing is, as may naturally be supposed, of the best; and his increasing power and command of limb are developed with the maturity of his figure. He bids fair to rival his father; whose energy as well as elegance is still admirable. Paociaz is a bright little star among the lesser luminaries; and her brilliancy is much more apparent beside MONTESSU than in gonjunction with TAGLIONI.