27 JULY 1839, Page 8


The Duke of Buceleuch and his family have returned to England The Duke took his seat in the House of Lords on Thursday, and voted with Lord Lyndhurst on the Irish Corporation Bill.

The King of Hanover, we hear, has positively refused to allow any of' the cream-coloured horses to be removed from his dominions for the use of her Majesty on state occasions in this country. The horses, of which there is a large stud in Hanover, were the property of his late Majesty. As the number of her Majesty's mews is limited, it will be necessary to send into Germany to make fresh purchases.—Globe. [We presume that the horses, being in Hanover, belong to the King of Hanover, not the Queen of England. The Globe sneeringly heads the paragraph quoted, with the title "A Kind 1 'ncle ;" but the unkindness is not manifest. Surely Queen Victoria's Civil List is large enough to provide the means of purchasing horses for the Royal use, without begging from Hanover.]

Mr. Southern, who has been in the diplomatic service since 1833, and is now attachc to our Embassy. at Madrid, is likely to be appointed Secretary of Legation at Lisbon, in the place of the Honourable Mr. Jerningham.