27 JULY 1839, Page 9

During the last week, the East India Company have embarked

front Brompton Barracks upwards of three hundred of their 'troops for the East Indies, and it is expected that five hundred more will embark be- fore the end of August.

The imposition of duties on the lue.gage of passengers in the Elbe has ceased. Orders have been given by the Hanoverian Government to its Customhouse-officers at Stade, that the charges hitherto made there by thrall on passengers' luggage are not to be levied.—Morning Chronicle.

The beautiful cathedral at Bruges has been destroyed by a fire, occa- sioned by the carelessness of some plumbers at work in the building.

The number of emigrants arrived at Quebec this year to the 1st July was 3,006 ; 2,417 more than arrived in the same time last year.

The American brig Wyoming was brought into New York on the 29th of June, in charge of Lieutenant Beddoes, of her Majesty's ship Harlequin ; having been captured by that vessel on the coast of Africa, on a charge of piracy.