27 JULY 1844, Page 20


Thurs. Frktsl.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Cents Reduced New 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per cent.

India Stock, 104 Exchequer Bills, 14d. p. diem India Bomb, 34 per cent SHARES.

MrNES- (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


- Australasian Hofanos - British North American Brazilian Imperial 124 Colouial Ditto (St. John del Rey) Loudon and Westminster British Iron London Joint Stock...

Candouga - National of Iceland Cobre Copper National Provincial Railways-

65 Provincial of Ireland Edinburgh and Glasgow 124 Union of Australia Eastern Counties - Union of London Grand Junction

101 DOCKS-

Great North of England 155 East and West India Great Western - Loudon Liverpool and Manchester 481 St. Katherine

Loudon and Brighton 74 MISCELLANEOUS- London and Blacknall it Australian Agricultural

Loudon and Greenwich 2284 British American Land London sod Birmingham 184 Canada Loudon and Croydon 120 General Steam Manchester and Leeds 101 New Zealand Midland 384 Royal Mail Steam South-eastern and Dover 86 South Australian South-western 109 Van Diemen's Land York and North Midland BULLION. METALS.

Gold,Foreign lu them ...per oz. 31. 175. ad. I Copper, British Cakes.per ton 821. Os. to 81 11 a

Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars,. 0 0 It Iron, British Bars 6 5 0- 0 0 0 Mexiczn Dollars.... 0 4 10 Lead, British Pig 16 13 0 4- 17 0 0

Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 114 Steel, Englizh 00 0 - 0 00

GRAIN, Mark Lane, July 26.

We continue to experience a dull trade for every kind of grain, the supplies gene- rally being liberal, and the weather ail that can be desired for the progress of the crops.

The transactions in Wheat are to an unusually small extent ; the millers almost rev fusing to purchase, though a reduction of Is. to 2s. per quarter would readily be sub- mitted to in order to effect sales.

For Foreign Wheat there is scarcely any demand ; and the tendency of prices is evidently lower. Barley is offered at somewhat less money for Foreign qualities, without any anima- tion in the sales ; and the same may be said of Beaus and Peas. Our supplies of Oats lately have been extremely liberal, and a large proportion d the cargoes have been bonded from want of buyers. In Malt or Ship Flour very little business doing, and at rather lower rates.

Wheat, Red Newia t o 48 Fine 46 .. 50 Old 4S 55 White 48 .. 50 Fine 55 .. 54 SuperfineNess54 56 AVERAGE PRICES OP CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN

Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wale,. For the present Week.

Wheat 35s. ad. Rye 84s, 61 Wheat ...... /74. ad Rye ..... 04 Barley... 33 8 Smuts ... 37 8 Barley 5 0 Beans 5 6

Oats 50 5 Peas 36 1 Oats 6 0 I Peas 6

Weekly Averagesfor the Week ending July 20. Wheat, 543. ld.-Barley, 842.5d.--Oats, Cu,. 5.1 -Rye, 34s. 4d..-Beans,37s. 7d-Peas, 57s. 88.


York Reda per ton Os.to

Scotch Bets .......... ...... 0 - 0 Devon, 0 - 0 Kent and Essex Whites 0 - 0

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECHAPEL flay,Good.. 95s... 1005 85s... 1.00. Os... On 1311... He.

Inferior 84 .. 90

New 70 .. 95 0 .. 0 .... 0 .. 0 ..... 60 .. 50 Clover 90 .. 116 105 . 120 0 .. 0 80 .. ISO

Wheat Straw 28 .. 34 Es .. 28 0 .. 0 RI .. 32


NEWGATE AND LEADENH ALL.. SMITHFIELD.. Beef Ys. ad. to 31. 2d. to 3..6d. 8.. Od. to as 6.1. to 45. Od, Hutton 2 8 .. 3 6 .. 8 10 a 0 .. 3 10 .. 4 4 Veal 3 0 .. 3 8 ., 4 4 ..... ... 3 2 .. 3 10 .. 4 4

Pork 2 8 4. 3 0 - 4 4 a 4 . 9 8 .. 4 0

Lamb a 5 .. 0 0 .. 4 6 • To sink theoffal-per albs. HEAD OF CA1TLE AT SMITHFIELD,

Beasts. Sheer, Calera. Pi4s.


2,5 0

00,550 400... ..... 210 Igt 774 12,070 s

193 3.50


Rape Oil ......... .....per met II. 170 Ed Refined 0 0 0

Linseed Oil 1 5 9

Linseed Oil Cake per WOO 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, Os.9d. to 0a.04. Moulds (ad. perdoz.discount) 05.0d. COALS, Hetton 2461. d.

Tess 52s. 0.1„


Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

5 p. Ct. 82 5 F. Ct.

5 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5 -

1044 Michigan 6 - 84 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 - 36 Neapolitan 5 -- - New York (1858) 5 - 105 Ohio 6 - 131 Pennsylvania 5 - - Peruvian 6 - 611 Portuguese 1014 Ditto (Converted) 5

12-1L 50c SRpuassiti'is‘hn 5 -

37 Ditto .. 3 - 44 Ditto (Passive) 93 Ditto (Deferred) - 75 South Carolina 5 p. Ct - - United States Bank - 105 Virginia. 6 - (Last Official Alabama (Sterling) Austrian Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - Chilian 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 Danish 3 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 24 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 -- French 3 - Ditto 5 Indiana (Sterling) 5 Illinois 6 Kentucky 6 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 Marklaud (Sterling) 5 Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 45s. to 50,.

Seconds .... . .. . ..... 40 - 43 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship... 35 - 40 Norfolk and Stockton 35 -- 30

BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.

POLLARD. fine Os. to Os.

BREAD, 65. to 04d Abe Orb. Loaf.


BU7TER-Best Fresh. 113.1. Od.prr ion. Carlow, 81.153. to 41.0s. per cat. BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... Os. t o Os;

CHEESE, Cheshire ats.te 94s.

Derby Plain 465. to 58s. HAMS, York 70s. to 745.

EGGS, French... per 130 83.6d ,to 3s. 94.

BRITISH FUN DS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday' Monday. Tuesday. Wedges.

994 994


1021 1021 1991

78 pm. 96 pm.

991 991 1004 1031 .021 121 1991 2854 76 100 100 1001 1031 1024 124 1994 2864 79 991 491 1001 1031 1024 124 200 285 81 991 991 1001 1031 1021 124 200 286 79 96 991 991 1001- 1034 1021 121 1994 78 36 161 911ex d.


254 431 120 224


51 121 26s.

47 27

14 334 444 254 121ex d..

114 e1374xd

115 284 28

Rye 3. to 36 Harley. . .... 54 .. 56

Malting 31 .. 31 Malt, Ordinary 52 58 Pine 513 00

Peas, flog- ao .. at

Maple Sato 33 White as . at

Boilers as 37

Beans, Ticks 55 .. 30 Old at .-53 Harrow 32,. Se s. s.

Oats,Feed . 18 to111 Fine . 19..20

Poland 21 . xE

Fine 22 .. ES •

Potato 54 ..25

Fine 25 26.


Kent Pockets. 120s. to 140s.

Choice Ditto 160 - 180 Sussex Pockets 120 - 130 Fine Ditto 140 - 5


TEA, Bohea, fine, p. lb. Os. Od. - 0 0 Congou, fine ...... 1 8 - 2 5 Souchong, fine .'.. 0 3 • In Bond-Dot es. ld.per lb. COFFEE, fine (inbd) per cwt. 9a.. to 1113a. Good Ordinary 49.. to 14s. SUGAR ,111w.covado.per ewl..510, 75d. West India Molosses... x06, 04. to 276.