27 JULY 1850, Page 11



At the commencement of the week, the English Funds were firm and a disposition to improvement was apparent. The unsettled state of the weather during the last few days, whence fears were entertained for the safety of the harvest, together with reports of the reappearance of the potato- blight in Ireland, produced a downward movement, and the market was for some time heavy. Today a firmer aspect is apparent, and the closing quota- tion of Consols for Money is 96/ 1—for Account, 96k 97: It was expected yesterday that the Bank Directors would reduce still further their current rate of discount, but no formal notice of such intention has been given. Money is now so abundant as to render its safe temporary employment at any rate of interest above 2 per cent almost impossible. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been on the usual limited scale, and the fluctuations of almost every description of stock insignificant. The Northern European and Dutch Stocks still continue in demand, and the prices are nearly the same aa they were last week. Among the South Ame- rican securities, 'Venezuelan Bonds have advanced between 1 and 2 per cent, on the receipt of a remittance on account of theffividends. Some small trans- actions have occurred in Chilian and Brazilian, at improved prices. Mexi- can have continued without change or the occurrence of any important busi- ness. Portuguese Bonds had been quite neglected: some business, however, occurred in them yesterday, in consequence of the arrival of the Lisbon mail. The Railway Share Market is rather firmer than it was last week ; the prices of the principal varieties being today from U. to 2/. higher : but the business has been unimportant. It appears from statistical returns that the gross amount of Railway tolls received for the year ending 31st December hist was in round numbers 12,000,0001. From this 40 per cent must be deducted for working expenses; leaving a nett amount of 7.200,0001. as a return upon ca- pital. Taking the Share capital at 156,000,0001., and the Loan and Pre- ference capital at 44,000,0001., making in all 200,000,000/.,—and assuming the Preference capital to bear 5 per centinterest, (a very moderate calcula- tion) the surplus will afford n per cent profit upon the total share capital ; as under.

Nett total return £7,200,000 Interest upon 44,000,0001. Debenture and Preference Share

capital, at 5 per cent 2,200,000 Leaving a balance of £4,000,000


There is no change or business of importance occurring in either the Eng- lish or Foreign Funds, which are all nominally at the quotations of yester- day. The Railway Share Market is firm ; but nothing has yet occurred in it requiring particular remark.


• The English Funds close at the morning's quotations. So little business has occurred, that in the Official List of actual bargains only one quotation of Consols for Account, namely, 961, appears. The transactions in the Foreign Stocks have been confined to the following—Brazilian, 914; Eva- der, 3i 1; Mexican, 29 I 1; Portuguese Three per Cents, 33j; Rued=

proved, we notice South-western • to which a slight impetus has been given by a notice from the Directors that they intend to propose a dividend at the rate of 3 per cent ptsr annum upon the capital stock of the Company, at the next meeting. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Caledo- nian, 71; Eastern Counties, 61 ; East Lancashire, 6/ 7; Ditto 6 per Cent Preference Quarter-shares, 28; Great Northern, 8/ ; Great Western, Ditto New' 171., ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 81; London and Greenwich, 101 ; London and North-western, 110f 10; Ditto Fifths, 13 121 ; London and South-western, 591 9 Si 91 ; Midlimd, 34 34- ; Ditto 601. Shares, 10 91; Norfolk, 20; North British, Of ; Ditto Preference, 41; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 171 1 I; South-eastern and Dover, 134 14; Ditto Registered No. 4, 41; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 141 1 ; Ditto G. If. E. Purchase or Preference, 31 ; York and North Midland, 151 f 1; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 151; East Indian, 71 ; Northern of France, 144 1; Orleans and Bordeaux, 21, Paris and Rouen, 241; Rouen and Havre, 10.

3 per Cent Consols 961 I

Ditto foe Account 96 /

3 per Cent Iteduced 971 6

31 per Cents 99 4 Long Annuities 81 5-16 Bank Stock 212 14 Exchequer Bills 67 70 pm. India Stock 268 70 Brazilian 5 per Cents 91 3 Belgian 44 per Cents 90 1 Chihan 6 per Cents 100 102 Danish 5 per Cents 101 103 Danish 3 per Cents 76 79 Dutch 24 per Cents 874

Ditto 4 per Cents 89 4

Mexican 5 per Cents 1848 291 30 Peruvian 6 per Cents 82 4 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 34 4 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 86 8 Busman 5 per Cents 110 112 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 171 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37 44 Venezuela 34 8