27 JULY 1850, Page 12

The tragedy of Marie Stuart, which in the first instance

seemed to be removed from Mademoiselle Rachel's list, was after all performed on Wed- nesday. It has the disadvantage, that there are two whole acts in which the great tragedienne does not appear,—a serious matter, when the audi- ence go to see her only, and do not care a straw for the company : never- theless, the character has always been a favourite one during Made- moiselle Rachel's London engagement. In no other single piece, perhaps, are emotions of such opposite kinds exhibited with equal force.

The scene in which the two Queens meet is remarkable for a succession of those bursts of indignation and wrathful triumph by which Mademoi- selle Rachel can strike an audience, less capable of appreciating the beau- ties of her declamation. Queen Elizabeth, notwithstanding her appella- tion of" Good Queen Bess," is an unpopular personage all over the world, when placed in opposition to Mary Queen of Scots ; and the heavy blows dealt at her insolence, her prudery, and—worst of all—her legitimacy, raise peals of applause ; the spirited lady who inflicts them receiving honours akin to those bestowed on a successful pugilist.

To this impetuous third act, the fifth act—in which quiet grief with its most delicate nuances is set forth—comes as a most effective contrast. Mademoiselle Rachel has already exhibited Maly, not indeed in the tri- umph of her fortunes, but in the triumph of her rage ; and now she shows her, not broken, but becalmed by the approach of death. The leave- taking—with its varieties of love for the nurse, pardon for Elizabeth, not quite willingly bestowed, and reproach far Leicester, not unattended with passion—is a marvel on account of the talent with which the actress sus- tains a tranquil sympathy. Having taken leave of the public, last night, in her favourite character of Camille, Mademoiselle Rachel is by this time, we believe, on the Con- tinent. The engagement has been successful beyond precedent as far as the St. James's Theatre is concerned.