27 JULY 1850, Page 2

lOrlintro anti Igrurrrhingo inlarlianant.


Ilousn or LORDS. Monday, July 22. Forged Signatures to Petitions; Joseph Byrne and others committed to Newgate—County Courts Extension Bill, read a third time and passed.

Thesday, July 23. Provision for the Family of the late Duke of Cambridge—Militia Ballot Suspension Bill—Expiration of the Alien Act.

Thursday, July 25. Marriages Bill, withdrawn by Earl St. Germans. Friday, July 26. Privilege; the Signature-forgers—The Show in Hyde Park.

House OP COMMONS. Monday, July 22. Mercantile Marine Bill, finally consi- dered in Committee ard reported—Order and Progress of Public Business—Civil Service Estimates : Votes for Establishments at Hongkong, Labuan, &c. debated— Ecclesiastical Commission Bill, read a third time and passed—Oath of Abjuration (Jews) Bill, withdrawn by Ministers—Attornies' Certificates Bill, thrown out by Min- isters on third reading.

Tuesday, July 23. Medical Charities (Ireland) Bill, considered in Committee— Irish Poor-law ; Colonel Dunne obtains leave for a Bill to amend—Tenant,-farmers' Income-tax ; Colonel Sibthorp's Motion for relief, negatived by 50 to 32—Cephalo- nia; Mr. Hume's Motion on Sir Ilenry Ward's conduct; House counted out. Wednesday, July 24. Poor Relief (Cities and Towns) Bill, withdrawn by Mr. Shafto Adair—Compound Householders' Bill, read a second time—Sunday Trading Prevention Bill, read a second time—Copyholds Enfranchisement Bill, thrown out— Coroner's Fees Abolition Bill, read a second time—Small Tenements Rating Bill; clause added.

Thursday, July 25. Mercantile Marine (No. 2) Bill, considered as amended—Eng- lish demands on the Tuscan Government—Securities for Advances (Ireland) Bill, abandoned by Lord John Russell for the Session—Ceylon Committee: Captain : Watson's disputed Signature—Steam Communication with Australia—Admission to St. Paul's Cathedral—State of Irish Prisons and Inspection of English Prisons— Bo f Health (No. 2) Bill, and Charitable Trusts Bill, read a third time Privilege ; Baron Rothschild's Claim to be sworn, debated—Royal ing the Prince of Wales—Irish Franchise ; Lords' Amendments- e—Show in Hyde Park ; the Attorney-General's Reasons for re- application for an Injunction—In Committee of Supply, Mr. Berke- feet the Vote for the -Yeomanry, negatived by 147 to 25—Poor Relief time and passed.


The Lords. The Commons.

Mour of Hour of Hour of Hour of

Meeting. Adjournment. Meeting. Adjournment. Monday 5h 7b 50m Monday Noon 3h OM 5h til) 3h Out

Tuesday — Mt Sam Tuesday Noon .... 311 Om 5h 9h 15m Wednesday No Sitting. Wedneaday Noon .. . . Oh ma

Thursday Noon . 35 Om Thursday Sh 6h bra Sit (a.) 2h 30in

Friday Noon .... 3h Man

Friday — 8h 15m 511 (e) 2h Om Sittings this Week, 4; Time, 8h 55m Sittings this Vs eek, 9; Time. 51 h 3,5m

— thiti liess104, 87 ; —2264 94m — this SessIon,130; —937h 28m PROVISION FOR THE FAMILY OF THE LATE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE.

In reference to the Queen's message concerning a provision for the family of the late Duke of Cambridge, the Marquis of EANSDOWNH moved a reply, that the House of Peers will avail itself of every opportunity to manifest its dutiful attachment to her Majesty's person, and will show all readiness to concur in the measures necessary for effecting the object mentioned in the message. Lord BROUGHAM sustained the proposal.

He could not let the motion pass without giving—as he had always done both in that House and in the House of Commons, whenever any money- vote was proposed for any branch of the illustrious family on the Throne— expression to his opinion, that so long as a certain impolitic and unchristian law remains on the statute-book, which restrains members of the Royal Fa- mily from marrying whom they please, it is but an set of strict justice that Parliament should provide for them. But for the existence of that law, the younger branches of that illustrious house would undoubtedly marry into the wealthiest families in the kingdom ; and it is but reasonable that Parlia- ment, which forces them to contract marriages with foreigners, should make a competent provision. Motion agreed to, unanimously.


The motion by Earl GRANVILLE, to read a third time the Militia Ballot Suspension Bill, afforded the Earl of ELLENBOROUGH an opportunity to launch a few strictures on Lord Palmerston's recent enunciation of fo- reign policy, and on the state of our national defences in reference- to that policy. The principles of foreign policy, as recently announced with great parade, were, after all, trite and commonplace. It was said that they were at all times to protect Englishmen wherever they might be. No doubt of it, so long as Englishmen living in foreign countries obey the laws. But it was clear, from the enthusiastic cheers which attended the classical allusion to the Roman citizen, whom the British citizen were hereafter to resemble, that much more was meant than would be implied by the plain words in which the principle was enunciated. It would no doubt be highly gratifying, if the British citizen were enabled to stalk over the Continent as a superior kind of being, to disregard the laws of all other countries as it suited him, and to be protected in his conduct by the strong arm of his own country, to which he might appeal in case of necessity. If the British citizens was, however, to enjoy the immunities of the Roman citizen, they must be content to undergo the conditions upon which the Roman citizen enjoyed those privileges, and have an army ready to maintain them in the path which they had chosen for them- selves. The position of this country is, however, altogether different from that of Rome. Ours is a constitutional system, adapted for a peaceful and not a warlike nation—our desire is not to make war, but to make money. We have been told it must not be supposed that when any nation uses angry words towards us they are always to come to blows ; and therefore, he sup- posed, we are to incur the anger of foreign countries without any apprehen- sion. But where a state remains, as we do, perseveringly weak, and deter- mined to take no means for its protection, and resolved to be defenceless, it is not safe to incur the anger of armed states desirous of war, and willing to wreak upon us the vengeance which in some cases has been treasured for ages. It might be very well for us to say and to do what we have done and said, if we had forty sail of the line and a hundred thousand soldiers disposable, or ten millions in our treasury ; but, with no larger disposable fleet than that possessed by France, and this fleet so disposable literally not equal to one- third of that which in a few weeks Russia could bring full of troops to the mouth of the Thames,—when we have not a disposable corporal's staff, nor a single new florin in our treasury, to indulge in these aspirations of glory or of benefiting the universe, is certainly a somewhat strange mode of proceed- ing. He entreated the Government, that they should at least abstain from giving offence to nations with arms in their hands, who are ready and de- sirous to use them to our injury. Earl GREY could not admit that the position of this country has changed for the worse, but believed it has changed for the better, in respect to its preparedness for a sudden outbreak of war. During the last twelve or fifteen years, large sums have been expended in strengthening our principal naval arsenals, and in creating harbours of re- fuge. A now force, the enrolled Pensioners, has also been created, to the number of 15,000 men, who by undertaking the defence of posts and garri- sons make disposable an equal number of the regular army. It is well known that the Artillery takes longest time to bring to a state of efficiency, and is for that reason the least possible to obtain on a sudden emergency : well, although a large reduction of the Army, has taken place during the present year, the Artillery has not been touched, and that branch of the service is at present upwards of 2,000 men stronger than it was three or four years ago. There is not a more fallacious mode of estimating the real strength of a country than that of looking merely at the force which it has actually on foot. If we wish to estimate the strength of this country, we must look to the vast dormant power in the spirit of the population, which would speedily be available if the country should ever be involved in serious danger ; and, above all, look to the state of our finances. It was his conviction, that, looking to the rapid progress of wealth and industry-, thiscountry is advancing in real and substantial power more rapidly than its rivals. It is not a little sur- prising to be told that we have not a florin in our treasury, when in only last week's Gazette there was, notwithstanding the large reductions of taxation, the advertisement that a considerable surplus of revenue had been applied in the last quarter to the reduction of the Debt. If the country were called up- on to make a great effort, no other state in the world could so easily raise a great sum of money at a moment's notice. As to the "new policy" attributed to the Government, he had not heard of it in the Cabinet. On the contrary, he had only heard that they are re- solved to maintain the same which has for years been the policy of this country. He had not heard of any intention to follow the course of conquest pursued by Imperial Rome. When Rome was still but an inconsiderable Italian state, it adopted the policy that the Roman citizen wherever he went should be protected : that has been the policy of this country since the time of Cromwell, and he hoped that we are still amply strong enough to main- tain it. The sympathy complained of, which this country, has shown with other nations anxious to obtain their freedom, has been felt by, this country for a long period ; and for his part, he trusted that while Englishmen were Englishmen, they would ever continue to feel a deep and sincere sympathy

in the efforts of the inhabitants of other countries struggling to obtain a con- stitution and liberty. The bill was read a third time, and passed.

Exeissa DEMANDS ea Tuscany: Mons "Goon Oreices."

in reply to questions put according to notice by Mr. BA IT.T.117 Coca- BANE, Lord. FAT srsesrox stated, that the Sardinian Government spon- taneously offered, through its Minister here, its " arbitration " for the settlement of our differences with Tuscany. On our request, the offer was made in writing ; and we replied, that we could not con.sent to refer those questions to the "arbitration" of anyGovernment, but would willingly accept the "good offices" of Sardinia, with a view to obtain whatever may be a proper satisfaction. About the same time the Tus- can.Government had offered, through Sir G. Hamilton, that they would agree to refer the question to "arbitration," if the principle of arbi- tration were admitted : the offer crossed on the way a despatch in which we communicated to the Tuscan Government what had passed between Sar- dinia and ourselves. Subsequently the Tuscan Government declined the "good offices" of Sardinia, and proposed the "arbitration of Russia." We answered as before that we declined the "arbitration" of any power,

but would still accept "good offices" of Sardinia. By agreeing to accept arbitration, we should bind ourselves to accept the award ; by ac- cepting "good offices," we merely accept the friendly representations of another power in order to bring about a good understanding.


The Marquis of LANSDOWNE stated to the House of Lords, on Tues- day, that it is not the intention of the Government to propose the renewal of the Alien Act. Fortunately, the state of the country is not such as to render it necessary at present ; though he was far from saying that it might not be expedient hereafter again to put the act in operation.


Mr. Hrscs developed but briefly, to a House "almost dissolved and dissipated by beat" his motion for a Royal Commission to inquire into the late riots and proclamation of martial law in Cephalonia, and the other grievances of the Ionian Islanders.

Having visited the islands in. 1839, he felt a great interest in them, and watched with strong feelings the injustice with which they had been treated. In 1814 they were promised an increase of the blessings of freedom ; in 1849 the severest measures against them were justified by the express declaration that they are " semibarbarous." He was grieved to confess, that in every respect he had been disappointed in what he had deemed one of the best appointments the Government ever made; grieved at finding that a man who had been the idol of a large, public-spirited, and liberal constitu- ency, and whose public life and private conduct had promoted the cause of civil and religious liberty, should have undergone such, an extraordinary change within a few months of his arrival in these islands.

The house of a chief of the island of Cephalonia was burnt down, and the chief himself, with four servants, was burnt in the flames : by whom? By robbers—as Sir Henry Ward himself said. News of the outbreak comes to him in the morning of the 30th of August, and on the same day at eleven o'clock he has resolved to proclaim martial law at once. The greatest num- ber of the disaffected never exceeded five hundred, most of them armed only with knives : Sir Henry Ward had a well-appointed military force ; and yet, without further inquiry, or any attempt to use other powers, he sus- pended the constitution of the islands by proclaiming martial law. Under martial la.w foity-four were sentenced to death, twenty-one were shot, seven were imprisoned, and eleven were corporally punished. First and last, ninety-seven were flogged; though such a punishment is unknown to Ionians, and is abhorrent to their feelings. Even. after Admiral Parker arrived with his great fleet, martial law was still continued. It is a severe thing to say, but if the Fonians could have anticipated that such would be the results of thirty-two years' superintendence by the English Colonial Office, they would have preferred the government of the Turk or Russian to that of England. An extraordinary dread of secret societies seems to have made Sir Henry Ward do all things with the haste and want of discretion peculiar to panic. The candour of his despatches in some parts only serves the more to show how completely he was mistaken. The Ionians are not semibarbarous, but were, to Mr. Henna's personal knowledge thirty years ago, eminent for civilization. He wished we could get rid entirely of that remnant of barbarity the scourge of martial law ; but at all events, when so abused as it was in this instance there should be strict and searching inquiry. The motion was seconded fry Lord- Ntromer; who was proceeding to support the assertion that Sir Henry Ward's despatches have been garbled by the suppression of important passages, when the House was'" counted out" • CEYLON COMMITTEE ; CAPTAIN WATSON'S SIGNATURE, Mr. Miner BAILLIE inquired of Lord John Russell, whether he had received the report of the Royal Commission in. Ceylon to inquire into the authenticity of certain proclamations to which the name of Captain Albert Watson was attached, but which that gentleman declared to have been forged ; and whether he would lay the same on the table? Having put his formal question, Mr. Bernie stated that the Commission had made its report, and that the report is now in the hands of the Government. The report states that the signature of Captain Watson to these documents has been proved by the most conclusive evidence—on the evidence of those of his staff who drew up the proclamations under his orders' and saw Captain Watson sign them ; that a great number were distributed in the district under his command, and that property was confiscated under the provisions of those proclamations, and delivered to Captain Watson himself. Under these circumstances, Mr. Baillie hoped that Lord John would frankly admit that himself, and not Mr. Rank, had been made- instrumental in stating what was not true in the House of COMMODB. - Lord Join N RUSSELL still thought it would_ have• been, better had Mr. Millie reserved his charge against Mr. Watson until the matter could be investigated either by the Committee or by some competent person: but he added- " I must certainly admit, however, that the honourable gentleman had grounds which were sufficient, as it would appear from circumstances that have been since brought to light, for bringing that charge against Captain Wat- son." The Commissioners have made a report on the instant, and they will send anal report with the documents- and evidence they have t iken by the next mail. They state that the evidence of the persons employed by Captain Watson to write the proclamations, and the comparison of the signature with other undoubted signatures of his satisfy them that Captain Watson signed these proclamations. Captain Watson has seen their report, but he stilldenies the signatures. It is incumbent on Government not at once to come to any con- clusion injurious to the honour of a British officer, who has hitherto main- tained a high and unblemished reputation. Lord Sohn would not therefore produce the preliminary report, but would wait for complete reports. "We Celt then take into consideration all the circumstances of this very strange and inexplicable ease and give to Captain Watsca every means of defending himself against a charge which, as it now stands, ia not only a charge of in- humanity, but one which affects his veracity and honour." Mr. MUNE stated, from the information of those who have conducted the inquiry, which was a public one, and conducted by two of the ablest men in that country, that the proof was so ample that if Captain Watson had been there himself he must have been satisfied that he had committed an error. The report is a public document to which the House is en- titled ; it must have a great effect upon any future discussion to take place upon the subject Mr. DISRAELI concurred in the propriety of the course Lord John Russell proposed to take ; at the same time justifying the course which had been taken by his friend Mr. Bailie.


The subject of steam communication with the Australian Colonies was brought before the House of Commons on Thursday, by Lord NAAS, as an

amendment to the order of the day for going into Committee of Supply. He moved an address to the Queen, praying for measures insuring " the immediate establishment of a regular steam-packet communication with the Australian Colonies."

The tardy communieation between this country and Australia is admitted on both sides of the House as the cause why we had no means of knowing what was the real opinions of the colonists upon the Australian Colonies Bill. The Premier was obliged to refer to newspaper files for such details as had more tardily been forwarded in Government despatches. On 520 voyages made in the last ten years, the average length of the passage is from 121 to 130 days ; with steam communication the time would be about 70 days. Three routes are proposed. In favour of the route by Panama, which is 13,600 miles long, there is the existing establishment of the West India packet service ; in favour of that by the Cape of Good Hope, which is 13,230 miles, there are the saving of distance, a saving of the transhipments of goods, and the greater facilities to nearer points of emigration; in favour of the Suez route, the existing steam service to India, and the lucrative traffic offered by the intermediate nations of Europe. In 1844 the Legislative Council of Sydney voted 6,0001. a year in aid of the scheme, and the sum to be expetted as the contribution of all the Australian Colonies is about 40,0001. The expense of the present service is 100,000/. a year ; but the service will certainly before long be self-supporting.

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEGITER declared himself as anxious as any one to see secured a more rapid and certain transit between this country

and its colonies ; and he confessed that, with great disappointment, at the end of the session, he must declare his endeavours to effect that object had been wholly unsuccessful.

The Government considered that the Suez route would be most ad- vantageous. They called for tenders, and gave the utmost latitude. The Peninsular and Oriental Company about eight years ago obtained the contract

for the Calcutta line, and their contract will expire in two years : this line is a sea-route all the way except at the crossing of the Isthmus of Suez. Two

or three years ago the Bombay line was established in conjunction with the East Indian. Company : that line crosses France to Marseilles ; thence Go- vernment continues it in its own steamer to Malta and Alexandria ; and from

Egypt the East India Company carries it down the Red Sea, by their steam- vessels, to Bombay. The Fenmsular Company offers, if three portions of the route now performed by Government and the East Indian Company be sur- rendered to its enterprise, to extend its present service fir the Indian ems in

the following manner : they will carry forward two routes from Bom- bay and Calcutta, separately, to Singapore, and will extend a route Northwards from Singapore to 'Hongkong, and Southwards from Singapore to round the whole of our Australian Colonies, and onwards to New Zealand. The whole of this they will perform for 105,0001. per annum-5,000/. less than they at present receive. But the East India Company refuses to give

up the service which it now is with its own navy between Suez and

Bombay ; and as the present is a joint arrangement with them, the Govern- ment cannot make a new arrangement without their consent till the contract expires, two years hence. Their chief objection is, their desire to continue the Indian navy in a state of complete efficiency. Sir Charles has in vain

reminded thorn, that the Admiralty finds it more efficient and economical to do the other mail service by separate contract-ships, and that if any occasion should arise for the service of the navy it would be more convenient to send

additional vessels than to abstract vessels from the mail service. They also object to putting a monopoly into the hands of a single company. But the Government has kept the existing contract for the Calcutta line totally dis-

tinct, and will be wholly free and unfettered to deal with that line when the Peninsular Company's contract for that expires, in a. year or two to come.: The offer of that Company is most advantageous to the country ; and he confessed he could not see the grounds on which the East India Company declines to sanction it.

Sir TiMES Wain Hoeo, with considerable warmth, vindicated the East India Company from the unfair and uncandict attack on it made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The other night he refused to lay on the table the correspondence between himself and the Company, on the ground that it was confidential; and now he makes an ex-parte statement of what he refuses to produce.

When the Suez and Bombay line was established; it was determined, for weighty state reasons, that this communication should remain in the hand, of the East India Company, and be performed by their navy : that was re- quired by the Company as a preceding condition before they would entertain. any proposition. Is it fair now to seek indirectly, when the communication is estab to get rid of the condition ? The expense of steam navigation was tben lit e understood, and the prevailing impression was that passen- gers would still go round the Cape ; and under these cirownstances the con- tract was made : the Company came under a great yearly charge, built four or five new steamers for the service, and has kid out at least a million of money in building new docks and on other works ; and now they are coolly told to break up their naval establishment and dismiss their officers, as if these were domestic servants. The Company is so well served precisely be- cause it treats its servants well, and if these servants are to be dismissed it will feel bound to pension them ; but that will cost a yearly expenditure of not less than 85,000/. The Peninsular Company are well entitled to the enormous profits which they have reaped for years as the fruits of their able enterprise ; but there is no reason why the same immense gains should be secured to them for ten y ears more, to the manifest loss of the public. The East India Company claims that their contract be reviewed now, two years before its expiration,. while it can be done calmly and deliberately and that the profit of the whole scheme, and not of a part of it, may be now opened to general compe- tition. The proposal to take the mails 2;000 miles further for an additional 5,000/. is not surprising, if they may retain their present enormous charges to Singapore ; it is the same as saying, "We'll take your mails on from York , to Berwick if you'll only pay double rates front London to York." Several deputations from Liverpool, Manchester, and. other places, resist the proposal; desiring not merely a postal communication with Australia, but mcreaaed facilities for passengers and merchandise round the Cape. The line is only

put on by Government as a screw, because the East India Company has re- sented unfair conduct. He begged to give notice that he should move that the whole correspondence lately refused by the Chancellor of the Exchequer be laid on the table.

Mr. ANDERSON stood forward in behalf of the Peninsular Company.

The difficulty, he said, had been to reconcile national and Government requisitions with the inducements requisite to bring forward private enter- prise. The Peninsular Company secures this object by an amalgamation of established and lucrative routes with new and less promising ones. They have exposed the whole of their books to the examination of Government inspectors. They offer to conduct 360,000 miles of steam communication for the same amonnt now paid by the public for the conduct of 70,000 miles.

Mr. AGLIONBY suggested the withdrawal from Lord Naas's motion of the word "immediate." Mr. Enemas Scow thought that the position assumed by the East India Company should lead the country and the House to a careful inquiry, two years hence, whether their charter should he renewed.

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER stated, that he should be read to produce the correspondence when Sir James Hogg moved for it. ihe amendment moved by Lord Naas was then negatived, and the House went into Committee of Supply.


In Committee of Supply, the votes most criticized were the charges of 20,000/. for Hongkong, 6,914/. for Labuan, 155,486/. for Consular Esta- blishments abroad, and 6,318/. for the Miscellaneous Allowances which include the sum of 1,9501. for distressed Protesting ministers.

The vote of 20,0001. for Hongkong was dissected by Mr. Scary.

Though certainly 5,000/. less than last year, it is still enormously dispro- portioned to the services rendered by the functionaries employed. We ac- tually pay for our Consuls in China one-third of the amount we pay for all our Consuls all over the world : 33,000/. for the former, and for the latter only 102,0001. All the trade goes on at 1Vhampoa and Shanghai; and yet we have at Hongkong a Governor with 6,000/., with 302/. 10s. for contingencies, a Colonial Secretary and Auditor with 1,800/., and a Surveyor with his de- parent at 1,3581., through whose hands only 500/. passed bat year—so that for every one shilling that passed through his hands, we paid three shillings for the benefit of his survey. The Harbour-master and MB department come in for 1,167/. 10s. • the remarkably light duties of this functionary being performed by a Lalicar for 300/. a year. The Chief Justice receives 3,000/., twice as much as the Chief Justices at other Colonies, and the same as Scotch Judges ; though the entire mercantile body to which he dispenses justice is represented by ten British subjects, one Danish agent, three .American agents, and one German agent. The vote is put at 20,0001. ; but police, and a lot of other charges, raise the cost of this wretched place to 44,0901. a year : the set-off of 24,0901. is estimated to arise from a local revenue which is so miserably managed that it costs 2,4134, or more than ten per cent, in col- lecting. Mr. HENRY DRUMMOND pointed to a further vote of 32,0001. in a suc- ceeding page of the Estimates, for the expenses of the Consular establish- ment in China. The total for these Consulates is therefore 52,0001. Mr. HAWES and Lord Paraninsros defended the vote.

Mr. Hawes said, that in the successive years since 1845 the yearly grant has been 49,00017 36,000k, 31,0001., 25,000/., and now 20,0001.—a total saving of 29,000/. This is a proof that proper vigilance has been and will be exercised. Lord Palmerston declared that he has been disappointed at the little trade which has grown up in Foo-Chow and Ningpo especially_ the former ; as when we were negotiating for the opening of those ports all the authorities were unanimous in anticipating a large trade. A trade may still arise at Poo-Chow-Foo, which is near to the most important black-tea regions ; and it would be unwise to abandon a port which hereafter we might desire un- successfully to reopen. As to Ningpo, negotiations are on foot for an ex- change of that port for some other one in the North of China ; but the ne- gotiations have not produced anything satisfactory. Hongkong is not so much a colony as a valuable insular post, where naval and military assistance is at hand for the assistance of our merchants in case of need, along the whole China coast Those who know what is going on in China must be aware that our position in Canton is by no means a satisfactory one, and that there is a great deal of hostility prevailing among the people there. The present expense is only for the year ; sedulous watch is kept over the charges, to reduce them as soon as the service will allow.

. Mr. Scow moved to diminish the vote by 5,000!.; but the House ne- gatived his amendment, by 53 to 41; and the vote passed.

The .vote of 6,914/. for Labuan brought forward Mr. Huss with a very sharp attack on Sir James Brooke. Private letters were quoted to show that the Rajah has been a self-seeking patriot, with the real object of mercantile advantage, and a man of extreme duplicity, who did what he could to establish a partnership with Mr. Henry Wise, and then did what he could to cheat Mr. Wise and cast him off. Mr. HENRY DRUMMOND stoutly engaged Mr. Hume in behalf of his nobleminded client Sir James Brooke ; and especially produced much effect by stating that Mr. Hume's chief proof, a letter professing to have been written by Sir James Brooke in 1845, was drawn up by Mr. Wise himself—beginning "My dear Wise," and presented to the Rajah for his signature. In conclusion, Mr. Drummond uttered a philippic against the mock patriots who ever 'since he knew the House, and long before, were "always ready to listen to and to propagate every calumny against a public servant, especially in those countries most distant from our own ; and before an assembly not always disposed to listen to those who seek to point out the discrepancies of these statements." Mr. Horan withdrew some of his warmest expres- sions—" falsehood" and " impostor "—as a little too strong ; but, with Mr. COBDEN, persisted in maintaining that thevote is extravagant for services so unpunctuall3r rendered ; Sir James Brooke not devoting his chief time to his duties at Labuan, but to his sovereign interests in his own state of San1vrak. No amendment was moved, and the vote passed. On the Miscellaneous Allowance of 6,3184 Mr. CiLenLus LUSHINGTON moved as an amendment, that the 1,9501. for distressed Protesting minis- ters be omitted ; and Mr. Bruoirr, Mr. linasiraw, and Mr. WYLD sup- ported the amendment The vote is regarded by the body of the Dis- senters as an insulting forced grant : not a single congregation knows of its minister being a recipient of any part of it; they cannot ascertain who receives, or how many receive, the grant. No one but Dr. Rees and the other distributors of the grant are desirous of its continuance. Lord Jourr Ruses:ix persisted in Ins defence of the grant. At least three hun- dred Dissenting ministers receive from it assistance in very small sums. It has been made from 1723 to the present year; and it will not be aban- doned for the benefit of the argument of those who do not wish to see any ministers of religion receive money from the public funds. The amend- ment moved by Mr. Lnsuriorma was rejected by 147 to 72, and the vote passed-


The motion of Colonel Siniumir, that after the 20th September next the duties payable on schedule B of the Income-tax by tenant-farmers should cease, was supported by Mr. BUCK, Mr. NEWDEGATE, Mr. SpoorrEar, Mr. DISBAELT, and the Marquis of GRANBY, with a very brief enuncia- tion of the stock arguments for favour to a distressed interest. Colonel Sibthorp could not help thinking that Sir Charles Wood himself feels that the measure is one deserving his consideration. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said, he could not encourage any class to hope for exemption from a tax that all ought to bear equally : he hoped the gallant mover would not "trouble the House with a division." A division was in sisted on; and the motion was negatived, by 52 to 30.


The bill introduced by Sir WILLIAM CLAY, under the title of the Com- pound Householders' Bill, is intended to obviate the necessity that tenants who compound for their rates should make incessant claims to be placed on the register ; and to place them on the footing of comfy voters, that having once made a claim they need not again renew it while they occu- py the same tenement. He moved the second reading. Mr. NEWDEGATE moved as an amendment, that the bill be read a second time that day three months. It is the same that was last year opposed by Government on account of its manifest imperfections, want of machinery, and the late- ness of the session. Again, as it always had happened, the mover is some- how a good deal behindhand. Sir GEORGE GREY stated, that the bill is much improved since last session and he supported it as in perfect con- formity with the spirit of the Reform Act The second reading was carried, by 80 to 24.

CouNrY Comas Farrimsros.

After the third reading of the County Courts Extension BM, Lord Bnornaium moved the insertion of a clause giving to the Superior Courts a concurrent jurisdiction with the County Courts in actions for sums above 20/. but under 501. At present, plaintiffs cannot recover costs when they sue for such sums in the Superior Courts, unless the Judge certify that there was a sufficient reason for bringing the action in the superior court. The great traders of London, Liverpool, and Manchester, desire the alter- ation. The clause was opposed by Lord BFAUMON'T : whereupon Lord BROUGHAM testified his surprise at the boldness of the noble Lord in setting himself against the legal authorities on one of the most important legal changes that had ever taken place in the jurisprudence of the coun- try. The Loran CHANCELLOR thought attornies would not for costs go into the Superior Courts ; and for other reasons, "difficult to explain," he supported the clause. Lord CARLISLE bowed to so much authority, and hoped his friend Lord Beaumont would do the same. The clause was added ; and the bill passed.


Some opposition to the Charitable Trusts Bill was urged by Mr. Tun- NEIL, Mr. GouLnuns, and others at the last stages. Mr. Turner repeated the objection that the measure Will be perverted to political purposes by the local clerks of the County Courts, into whose hands the Judges will practically remit the working of most of its provisions. The .A.yromanY- GENERAL again insisted on the absolute need and justice of cheapness in dealing with some twenty thousand charities whose revenues are under 30/. each ; and vindicated by anticipation the upright administration which would be extended by the County Court Judges over this as over existing portions of their jurisdiction. Mr. Turner's amendment to read the bill on that day three months, was negatived, by 96 to 53. Some verbal amendments were accepted, and the bill was passed.


The measure under Mr. Aglionby's care entitled the Copyhold En- franchisement Bill was opposed in the stage of Committee, by Mr. Thor- LEY ; who moved that the Chairman do now- leave the chair. Mr. AGLIONBY resisted the motion, but declared himself willing to withdraw his bill if Government would promise to introduce a measure next ses- sion. Sir GEORGE GREY refused to give any such promise ; and thought the House would only waste time in discussing the provisions of a mea- sure which ought to be considered in connexion with the one understood to have been prepared by the Lords and Stewards, and ready for intro- duction. The motion to quit the chair WBB carried, without any report- ing of progress or asking of leave to sit again : so the bill was thrown overboard.


The CH.ANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER achieved the critical victqry over Lord Robert Grosvenor in the last contest over the Attornies' Certificates Bill, on Monday. Lord ROBERT GROSVENOR moved that the bill be read a third time on Thursday next. The words "Thursday next" were cast aside, by the votes of 112 to 88; and the words "this day three months" were inserted, by the votes of 113 to 84: and thus the bill was got shelved for the session.


In Committee on the Medical Charities (Ireland) Bill, Mr. Hemirrorr, after a prolonged contest with Lord CLEMENTS, the minute phases of which are confusedly reported, obtained the concurrence of the House to some amendments, enacting that the Poor-law Commissioners shall have the power to divide the country into dispensary districts, to appoint the members of the committee of management, and to fix the salaries of the medical and other officers.

PnortrarrEn MAnnuons.

The Marriages Bill was withdrawn by the Earl of Sr. GEnariars, on Thursday. Requested on a previous day to withdraw the measure, he did not think it right to concur till he had consulted those who intrusted it to his hands. He was now in a situation to inform the House, that, with the concurrence of those parties, he now withdrew the bill, but for the present session only. Succinctly stating some of the main features of the case in favour of the bill, he admitted that a vast majority of the Scottish clergy and laity are opposed to it; though, since the subject has undergone Parliamentary discussion, a strong current of opinion is moving the other way. It may be worthy of consideration whether Scotland should not be excepted from the bill next session. He trusted that MS friend Lord Ellesmere with restored health, would then again submit it to their Lordships. The order of the day for the second reading was dis- charged.


The second reading of the Sunday Trading Prevention Bill was moved by Mr. enemas Prausog, with an explanation that the Lords have been pleased Committee.d to pass it in its present form after a lengthened inquiry before a

He supported it as a measure of civil policy, not as one for enforcing Sab- batarian observances ; upon the ground that one day in seven is essential to men for rest and recreation ; and that such a day should be secured free from secular labour so far as legislation can do it. Mr. BARING WALL moved that the second reading be on that day six months.

Mr. Maine, Commissioner of the Police, is distinctly of opinion that the bill will be inoperative. Socially, it is meddling, vexatious, and partial— interfering with the purveyance of the poor on their only leisure day, but not touching the purveyance of the rich. The religious question is too va- riously interpreted to be safely adopted as the basis of legislation. The bill is a forced interference on a matter wherein public opinion is itself gradually operating solid and permanent improvements.

Colonel THOMPSON and Mr. Arisrxr supported the bill; for the rea- son, among others, that it will be a heavy blow to the Sabbatarians—will bring on a crisis and a reaction. Mr. ALeocx, Lord DUDLEY STUART, Mr. GEORGE THOMPSON, Mr. Hawns, and Sir JAMES GnAnsu, supported the bill, as a protection to the week-day traders. Sir James admitted the difficulty of legislation, and that he had once declined on his official re- sponsibility to introduce a bill; but he thought this the nearest approach yet made to a reasonable measure.

Mr. W. J. Fox would support a measure tending to secure to the largest number, consistent with the comfort of society in general, the in- estimable blessing of deliverance during one day in the seven from cares and toils : but this measure is a mere Lambeth shopkeeper's measure, directed against orange-and-apple-stalls. It is impossible to separate the bill from the great effort in behalf of opi- nions which are a relic of Puritanism, belon • g chiefly to this country and

to later times, and not sanctioned by that k from which the Christian law is deduced. He should disfavour such measures till he saw the day of rest regarded more generously. Rest is not the mere unintelligent cessation from toil ; nor is the term satisfied by attendance at church or at chapel, awake or asleep. Combined with restrictive enactments, there should be fa- cilities afforded to the multitude for resorting to some of those means for re- cruiting exhausted frames and minds which are enjoyed by their superiors. The parish baker is the poor man's cook ; let the one work for the many. The omnibus and the steam-carriage are the poor man's coach; let him have as free use of them as the rich man of his carriage. No one would dream of forbidding the rich man's going into his library on the Sunday ; the public reading-room is the poor man's library. The rich man contemplates his paintings and his statues ; let the poor man have access to the great works of art—let him have that which forms a sort of resting-place between what may be the high spiritualism of devotional service and the low and gross animalism of mere sensual enjoyment.

On a division, the second reading was carried, by 101 to 22.


Sir GEORGE GREY informed Mr. HUME, on Thursday, that in lately transmitting a return moved for by that Member' the Dean of St. Paul's states that the money taken of the public by the Vergers of St. Paul's is not paid to the Dean and Chapter, and does not pass their yearly audits. The Chapter, however, has been endeavouring to put the matter on a more satisfactory footing; but it appears that the control now exercised by the Ecclesiastical Commission throws a difficulty in the way of a pron.- -don for the Vergers in lieu of the tax levied on the public. Sir George had learned that the Commissioners have come to the conclusion that they are not authorized to sanction the plan proposed by the Dean. Per- haps an alteration of the law may be necessary. He would communicate further with the Dean and with the Commissioners, in hopes that some arrangement may be made.


On the motion of Lord Jortr RUSSELL, last Monday, it was resolved that on and after Thursday the 1st of August, orders of the day shall have precedence of notices of motion on Thursdays. At the same time, Lord John intimated, that as there was still a considerable quantity of busi- ness in the Committee of Supply, which would probably take four or five nights, he could not hope to carry the Oath of Abjuration (Jews) Bill in sufficient time to secure for it the consideration by the House of Lords which it deserves. He must give it up for this session, and would go on with it at the earliest period next session.


The House of Lords has taken some measures to guard more strictly the right of petitioning from abuse by the fabrication of signatures. In the course of inquiries made by a Select Committee on the Liverpool Waterworks Bill, it came out that Joseph Byrne law-writer, Joseph Hinde, warehouseman' and Duncan M'Arthur, bookkeeper, had fabricated to an enormous extent signatures of ratepayers to a petition against the bill. On Monday, Joseph Byrne was summoned to the bar of the House of Lords to answer for his conduct.

He stated, that certain opposers of the bill employed him with others to get up petitions against it. Byrne first collected signatures from house to house ; but he found that by such means he could only obtain about eighty signatures per day, whereas others who competed with him sent in six and nine sheets per day with about thirty signatures on each sheet. After that discovery, he practised the craft in another fashion. He went to a few courts and got the names of all the residents; adjourning to a public-house he put down all those names, column after column • and then he splashed water over his hat and clothes, and over the petition-sheets, to dissemble the effects of rain. Thus prepared, he handed in the signatures to his employers at a rate which made the employment remunerative. They required signa- tures at a rate that made it physically impossible to get them fairly. M'Arthur and Hinde made similar statements. It was resolved to commit them all three to Newgate ; and they were accordingly com- mitted. But, in recollection that they had voluntarily come forward and themselves exposed their evil practices, it was intimated that they would only be confined a few days. Meanwhile, on the motion of Earl GREY, a Select Committee was appointed to inquire whether the parties by whom these men were employed were cognizant of the fraud which they had committed.