27 JULY 1861, Page 1

The census of the United Kingdom has at last been

made up, and the total population amounts to 29,031,164, a million more than the white people of all the United States. The increase during the decade has been 1,519,302, or six per cent., while upwards of two millions of souls have quitted our shores for America and the colonies. The net increase still adds to our population as much as She annexa- tion of three Savoys, while its slow rate accounts for the steady rise in wages, and the consequent prosperity of the labouring class. The men of our own stock now number some sixty-six millions, or six millions more than the most numerous of the European tribes. Indeed, of all languages, English is, next to Chinese, the language spoken by the most numerous race, while it is the only one used by millions in each of the quarters of the world. The average rate of increase of the entire race seems to be twelve per cent, per decade, which, in a hundred years, will bring the number up to two hundred and ten millions, even without allowing for the immense additions which take place by absorption.